Fishing Yesterday/Current Conditions

Fishing Yesterday/Current Conditions

Yesterday I fished with Ian Slater, on the last of our three scheduled days to get in to permit shape after the Gold Cup. I touched on this in the Gold Cup report posted yesterday, though it’s worth repeating: the permit fishing has been tough for us, and yesterday was no exception. The weather has been good, but we are getting in to the summer doldrums and the water is warm.

Yesterday we fished from 6 AM to 8 PM and had one shot. It wasn’t for lack of trying (though with a 14-hour schedule, I doubt that lack of trying is what we’d be accused of), it was that the fishing never turned on in a way that we could do anything with. Whereas last week we had shots at fish that appeared shy and/or insubordinate, this time around we were in the presence of nothing to throw at. We stuck with the plan and kept things 100 as best we could, though the fishing didn’t give us an inch.

I walked a while, trying to find a shot at the end of the day. I found one, a pair of fast moving large permit in some deeper water, and while I thought things were aligned they clearly weren’t up to the standards required. We kept with it, trying everything we could before giving up in the failing light.

I’d like to thank Ian for a great effort, one which is more the point of fishing than not, and I’m confident John and I will give a good account of ourselves in the Del Brown. As far as what the weather has in store for us in the tournament it seems cloudy with a high chance of storms. We’ll know more once it’s done, though after the Merkin there isn’t much that can be thrown at us we aren’t ready to take with a smile.


Tomorrow I’ll get out for some fun fishing with Brandon Cyr before starting on Saturday with John before the tournament.


more to come,



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Nathaniel Linville

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