Sunny intervals

Sunny intervals

So, without much of a report to give (other than the fact that the weather is warm and the fishing is phenomenal) I was looking for any piece of angling news on the web for inspiration to help with the task of my daily fishing report. As is usually the case, my unbridled inter-web surfing led me to, where when I was just about to dive into the music reviews section. Incidentally, one of the best reviews (actually, it’s a bad review written greatly…) I have ever read is on that site, written by Al Fox about a terrible electronic musician who goes by the name Basshunter. If you’re so inclined, it’s phenomenal and can be read here: /

Back to the business at hand:
I noticed the weather forecast for London, where the next two days are slated to be “light rain”. No surprise there, and moving on. The funniest part, however, was the forecast for today: “sunny intervals”. Hilarious. I thought about two things: one, how optimistic this is: “It’s not mostly cloudy, it’s intermittently sunny”. Second, how much this applies to fishing. I was out last night, fishing in the dark with a friend. We had caught a few fish, and saw a storm coming. As the raindrops started dropping, the fishing turned on. Mobile phones were placed in leeward pockets, and the fishing (now catching) continued as the drops showed no sign of stopping. And I realized, much later, that the best fishing often takes place in intermittent fits and starts; in the sunny intervals that make it all worthwhile.
Here’s to the clouds, to the rain, and to the sunny intervals.
And here’s being thankful that we live in a place where the sun is usually out.

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Nathaniel Linville

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