

As the wind has receded in the past week or so, the tarpon have been on the flats and channels in large numbers, and the first ocean side fish have begun to show in the waters of the Lower Keys. This is the best of April fishing–when the fish are plentiful and have yet to respond to the inevitable angling pressure of this portion of their migration. Anglers are reporting that the laid-up fish are at times offering more than 30 shots a day; David and Kendall, while fishing with Capt. John O’hearn, reported jumping 6-7 fish yesterday, getting a release on three. Additionally, they mentioned that they had a few “grabs” without a jump on the other side. While fishing in the local dock lights last night, David, Kendall, and I hooked a few baby tarpon and got a great look at the fish feeding with fervor.
It appears as though the majority of the permit, as is expected this time of year, are offshore on the wrecks spawning. Hopefully, John Ain and I will have an opportunity to go offshore and tag a number of them for the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.
Tight lines to all as always.


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Nathaniel Linville

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