tarpon. Wind.

tarpon. Wind.

It seems that the tarpon are still hard to come by, but the wind is what’s really making life tough out there. I’ve been hearing reports all week of only a few shots; this is not a terrible thing when they’re on the chew, but an added 20 MPH of breeze can make the difference between a great shot and one that collapses short.
The wind should give us a break on Tuesday, and Monday looks like it has potential as well. As I am writing this Michael Driscoll just called me; he had just captured a large tarpon, so there’s some evidence in support of sticking with it even when it’s tough.
The permit and bonefish fishing is great at the moment, and Aaron and I may have to change our plan for the six to fishing 2 for permit as this might be our best chance to get some record fishing done in the next few days.

A report will follow the next three days with Aaron, and to those of you who are out there: stay committed.



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Nathaniel Linville

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