The May so Far

The May so Far

I know well that these reports have been lacking, and that’s a product largely of being busier than normal in the shop and at home. I’ve been diligently getting out there, though it seems with the pandemic pushing more and more people out of doors and into boats I’ve been far from the only one. Between the fish being late to arrive to the party and the party being full of more hosts than guests it’s been a less-than-amazing season so far.
April brought its wind, and the fish have been delayed, though that seems to be changing. I’ve had a few chances to get out since the last report towards the end of April, and have caught enough fish to remember what it’s like to do what I hope to do with Ian in the upcoming Golden Fly that starts in two weeks. In three days of windy fishing we were only able to muster a single fish over 70 pounds and a small handful of fish smaller; not a great three days of fishing had it been a tournament, but given the wind and human idiocy that seemed to plague us it was more than we might have brought to hand otherwise.

I’m out again for the next two days, and it finally looks as though the weather is finally going to cooperate with the days we have scheduled. Here’s to hoping we have some fun and get some scaly friends nearby.


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Nathaniel Linville

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