Fishing Lately

Fishing Lately

While I have been fishing a fair amount, the weather has been tough and I’ve been struggling to get into the groove. Last week I fished with Ryan Bergeron, who invited me along for a day with Simon Becker. We found some tarpon early and then later looked for permit, and while we had a few bites from the tarpon and a fair number of decent shots at the permit we weren’t able to make anything happen, which was fine since the company was so good. We had a few shots at bonefish and each caught one, which made for a nice change of pace and was of course a great chance to practice catching them before the upcoming Fall Fly Bonefish Tournament, which Brandon Cyr and I fishing again this year.

Other than that, Ian Slater and I have been in full preparation for the upcoming tarpon tournaments. We’ve had our share of decent fishing, though less than we’d prefer to get in touch with enough fish to feel like we are doing enough work. I will say, however, that after three days of fishing in heavy wind and staring into the water ten days ago without much staring back we are going to value every single fish we have in front of us from here on out. We’ve got new things that we are eager to try, and when the fish are around in better numbers we are both looking forward to showing them a few of our new tricks.

This weekend I have a single day with Ian, then another towards the end of next week. After that we are back to our regularly scheduled programming of two days a week through the Gold Cup.

More to come,


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Nathaniel Linville

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