Fishing with Brandon

Fishing with Brandon

Earlier in the week I had a chance to get out for a day with Brandon Cyr. I haven’t had much fishing scheduled prior to the Merkin, but a day on the water was welcome in the middle of the dry spell.
Our weather was far from perfect, and while the day prior Brandon reported the fishing was great it was colder and cloudier than would have been required for us to settle in to some permit fishing on our day. This didn’t stop us from trying, and we spent most of the day looking for them. Predictably, we were not rewarded with many shots. We made the most of it anyway, catching a few bonefish and barracuda to pass the time between things we thought might be permit but weren’t, and generally had a blast.

We did have a shot at a permit in the early afternoon, a single fish that was hard to see, and while we got the fly in play all we could get the fish to do was swerve over to take a look. We fished as long as the light would let us, and at 5 decided we’d been beat on this day and headed home. As usual the day with Brandon was a blast, and I look forward to more time together in the future. We are fishing the Fall Fly again this year, and if we play our cards right we will be out before then to prepare.

Next week I have some fishing planned again, and while it’s not much I’m looking forward to getting out. I’ve got Nick Labadie and Ian Slater lined up for one day each, and Ian and I will be running the new skiff. We have much in store after the Merkin, and these reports will be back up and running as I start to fish more.


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Nathaniel Linville

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