Last week with Simon

Last week with Simon

I’m still in the process of catching up with these pages, but it’s worth mentioning that I’m almost there. The current conditions have been windy and tough, and though there are plenty of fish around they have remained tough to feed for most.

Last week I fished with Simon Becker again, and while we were to be joined by Jason Schratwieser he was unable to attend. Despite my hopes of crushing them and telling Jason all about it, the reality of the day was far less shiny. We found plenty of animals to throw at, though few of them wanted to comply with our requests. We spent the first half of the day looking for a groove with the pons, but after lunch decided to give the permit a shot.

We looked for a permit for the rest of the afternoon, finding none but having fun. We did see a small number of bonefish, however, which was nice since there has been a lower than normal number of them around lately.

As always, I’d like to thank Simon for a great day on the water. The day following this, I fished with Doug Kilpatrick in preparation for the Gold Cup in June. I’ll upload that report later, and then I’ll be caught up with the fishing I’ve done recently. I’m not scheduled to go again until the 19, when I fish with John, so I’ll be trying to keep these pages populated with the reports I hear from other people.



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Nathaniel Linville

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