Year: 2009

First report! blacktip sharks/thoughts on electrosensitivity

December 15, 2009 Comments Off on First report! blacktip sharks/thoughts on electrosensitivity

As I write this, the fall/winter blacktip shark bite is in full swing. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this particular member of the genus carcharhinidae, it is perhaps the most athletic and agile member of the family. Additionally, these are handsome animals; no two ways about it. They aggresively chase baits on…

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Warmer Weather…Tarpon????

March 25, 2009 Comments Off on Warmer Weather…Tarpon????

As the weather continues to warm, we are starting to see the beginnings of tarpon pushing into the basins in the backcountry across the Keys. I have heard reports of fish laying up in Big Pine, around Key West, and in the harbor and channels surrounding the lower Keys. As this current warming trend continues,…

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New Tarpon World Record?

January 1, 2009 Comments Off on New Tarpon World Record?

Tom Evans has caught the new pending Men’s 12 klb (6 kg) tippet world record tarpon, fishing in Homassassa, FL. Congratulations, Tom!!

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January 1, 2009 Comments Off on Tarpon

In the course of an “ordinary” year (one devoid of weather days that evoke Tim Burton’s vision of Gotham City in Batman…) tarpon are caught throughout the winter. In January and February, typically, three or four consecutive days of warm weather means that tarpon are on the flats and in the basins in the back…

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March Merkin/Isthe cold over/ Thank you Mr. Cady!!

January 1, 2009 Comments Off on March Merkin/Isthe cold over/ Thank you Mr. Cady!!

Friends of the Angling Company: Last week the annual March Merkin tournament was held in Key West. Over three days of what could easily be described as prohibitively difficult conditions, two fish were caught. The Angling Company would like to extend it’s warmest congratulations to Capt. Scott Collins of Marathon and his client who took…

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