Month: February 2012

Fishing with John

February 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with John

Again, order the DVD that has the same name of this fishing report–it’s gorgeous. Guests include Matt Dylan and Tom Waits. Yesterday I fished with captain John O’Hearn in some pretty challenging conditions. John found us about a dozen shots at fish, but more importantly they were all big and in perfect areas for 6…

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For your viewing enjoyment

February 28, 2012 Comments Off on For your viewing enjoyment

It’s been great out there… ncl/tac

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Last two days with Doug Kilpatrick

February 26, 2012 Comments Off on Last two days with Doug Kilpatrick

Friday and Saturday I fished with Captain Doug Kilpatrick. Our goal was the six. Early on day one, we found a large group of fish, some of which seemed easily big enough. I hooked one early, and even though it didn’t jump we got a good enough look at it to call it barely 80…

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Fishing with Captain Justin Rea

February 24, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Captain Justin Rea

Last Wednesday I was invited to fish with Captain Justin Rea. We left Sugarloaf Lodge at 8 AM, and by 8:30 we were looking for tarpon. The water had not warmed up in the morning–however, due to Justin’s ninja skills we were able to feed a small fish out of a traveling string in the…

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Tarpon on the flats

February 20, 2012 Comments Off on Tarpon on the flats

We’ve had another warm snap this year, and if you keep up with these reports you know this isn’t the first mention of large sea creatures in the back country. However, just to prove a point, Aaron provided the following photos last night: Just getting a report now from Aaron, who took Carlo Regina today…

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Fishing yesterday (from a time machine)

February 19, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday (from a time machine)

Yesterday morning I fished for four hours with Aaron Snell. We had some great weather, and decided that it might be a good opportunity for the six. Aaron found fish straight away, and we were in them for the duration. Here is some of what we saw: The fish were laid up and happy, though…

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Yesterday morning on 6 lb

February 19, 2012 Comments Off on Yesterday morning on 6 lb

Part two: After our first two fish yesterday on 6 lb, one of which was large enough and neither of which stayed buttoned, Aaron saw two fish sliding high in the water and pushed me over. My line had been oddly coiled up, and I had just attempted to clear it. When I began casting,…

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Everglades with Joe Rodriguez

February 18, 2012 Comments Off on Everglades with Joe Rodriguez

Day one: The water had not yet warmed up after our latest cold snap, so we elected to chase some redfish and drum in the Everglades. Joe put us on fish all day, and Aaron and I had a great time trading shots at drum and catching many redfish. Here are some photos: Day Two:…

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Everglades for the next three days

February 14, 2012 Comments Off on Everglades for the next three days

Tonight we leave for 3 days of fishing with Captain Joe Rodriguez. The water is warm (and warming), and my guess is that the first day will be spent looking for redfish and the next two for our tarpon. A report will follow. ncl/tac

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Current weather, Friday offshore

February 12, 2012 Comments Off on Current weather, Friday offshore

It’s cold, that’s for sure. While this little front is scheduled to leave in the next few days, the sub-60 degree weather is shocking, especially after such a mild (and tarpon filled) winter. On Wednesday I leave for 3 days in the Everglades with Joe Rodriguez in pursuit of the 6, and the high is…

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