Month: August 2019

Summer Fishing since the Del Brown

August 29, 2019 Comments Off on Summer Fishing since the Del Brown

Since the Del Brown tournament I’ve been spending a lot of time on the water. There is always a lull in the summer when things slow down some, and I look forward to this time of year as season starts to weigh on me by the middle of July. This year has been no different,…

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Del Brown 2019, Results + Our Fishing

August 7, 2019 Comments Off on Del Brown 2019, Results + Our Fishing

As promised, here’s a detailed report of the Del Brown this year. It’s worth wrapping our fishing up with the days that preceded it, as they seemed to make a nice arc, though as I’m sure I’ll discuss where that arc ended up is no place I’m satisfied with. Two weeks before the tournament I…

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