Month: October 2011


October 16, 2011 Comments Off on Wind

The fishing has been put on hold for the last few days, and the wind has taken over. Looking forward to blackfin soon, as well as sailfish and a planned trip 70 miles west of Key West for african pompano on fly. This weather should be over soon, and the permit are the likely headline…

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Everglades with Andy Thompson and Aaron Snell: Part 1

October 13, 2011 Comments Off on Everglades with Andy Thompson and Aaron Snell: Part 1

The 6 lb record didn’t happen. Here’s an account (with pictures) of what did: We met Andy at the ramp in Islamorada at 6:30 and were on our way to the Everglades by 6:45. The weather was beautiful and the water was glass calm. A quick run and we were fishing. We didn’t see what…

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Everglades with Aaron and Andy: Part 2

October 13, 2011 Comments Off on Everglades with Aaron and Andy: Part 2

We arrived at our next stop and didn’t find the fish immediately. Andy pulled out his binoculars, and in short order spotted a few groups of happy rollers in the distance, so we fired up the motor and headed over that way to capture them. Incidentally, I noticed something about binoculars–I feel like they add…

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Everglades with Andy and Aaron: Part 3

October 13, 2011 Comments Off on Everglades with Andy and Aaron: Part 3

Here are more pictures of the many fish we jumped, trying to find one that was big enough: After a few hours and many class tippets, we made a move to another area and tried to find some more sliders. On to Part 4…

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Everglades with Andy and Aaron: Part 4

October 13, 2011 Comments Off on Everglades with Andy and Aaron: Part 4

So we left the great masses of rollers and looked for some shallow sliders. We found a fish relatively quickly, and it looked big enough. One cast and an eat, one jump, and I reeled in the slack to see a class tippet that was chewed through. My guess is that the fish was hooked…

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A New Tarpon Record by Thane Morgan and Dustin Huff….

October 13, 2011 Comments Off on A New Tarpon Record by Thane Morgan and Dustin Huff….

My phone started making lots of noise this afternoon. It seems that this morning angler Thane Morgan and Captain Dustin Huff caught a very large tarpon on 4 lb. What I hear is this: they hooked the fish at 4 pm yesterday and boated it at 10 this morning–not that anyone reading this needs the…

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Fishing tomorrow in the Everglades

October 11, 2011 Comments Off on Fishing tomorrow in the Everglades

This afternoon, Aaron and I will drive to Islamorada. We will get a hotel room, tour the dark taverns, and eat fried food. Tomorrow we will wake up early, meet Andy at the ramp. We will run to the Everglades as the sun is rising, and it will be warm. There won’t be much wind,…

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Everglades trip starting tomorrow PM

October 10, 2011 Comments Off on Everglades trip starting tomorrow PM

Tomorrow Aaron and I leave for the Everglades, once again fishing with Captain Andy Thompson. The weather forecast looked dodgy until yesterday, but at the moment the weather looks good and the fish are where we want them. A report will surely follow, as well as (hopefully) pictures. If ever there was a time when…

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Keys Update

October 6, 2011 Comments Off on Keys Update

A fair amount of wind has arrived, and the ishore fishing is a little spotty at the moment as a result. Forecasts call for it to continue until Wednesday (12 October), the day I have scheduled to go the Everglades and continue pursuing the six with Aaron and Captain Andy Thompson. At this point, I’m…

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