Year: 2016

Fishing Last Week with Ian

December 26, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Ian

At the end of last week, I spent a day on the water with Ian Slater. The fishing hadn’t been great for Ian the days leading up to our trip, so we discussed a new plan that involved us going to some places we don’t fish very often. We hoped for a permit, but in…

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Offshore with Chris Trosset

December 17, 2016 Comments Off on Offshore with Chris Trosset

After a great many months of discussion regarding an offshore trip together, Chris Trosset and I finally made it happen this week. We were joined by Ryan Shapiro, a friend of Chris’ that owns the Thirsty Mermaid. Our target was a wahoo on fly, which has been on my list of like-tos for a while.…

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Fishing with Steve, Ian and Chad

December 8, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve, Ian and Chad

Last week, I fished with Steve Huff. If you’re familiar with these reports you know what we were trying to do: catch the 6. The pursuit of this record has brought me to places and with people that I am lucky to be around. It has also tested every bit of my mental and physical…

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Fishing Earlier in the Week, upcoming + conditions

November 25, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Earlier in the Week, upcoming + conditions

Earlier in the week I spent a morning on the water with Ian Slater. Joining us was Jake from Bonefish Tarpon Trust, who has been working on implanting acoustic tags in permit to track their movements through an array of receivers placed throughout the lower Keys. Had we been serious about catching a permit it…

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Sugarloaf Showdown Results, Current Conditions

November 17, 2016 Comments Off on Sugarloaf Showdown Results, Current Conditions

On Saturday the Sugarloaf Showdown came to a close. This was the tournament’s third year, and there were 15 boats competing. The rules are designed to have both spin and fly fishing count toward each team’s total, with a points premium being placed on the fly-caught fish and a total number of species premium conferring…

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Current Conditions/Sugarloaf Showdown

November 10, 2016 Comments Off on Current Conditions/Sugarloaf Showdown

At the moment, I haven’t been fishing much. John Benvenuto and I went out for a day of exploration on Monday, and we had a great time. We fished some new pieces of water that we’ve been meaning to look at in the Cuda Bowl, and while we found the bottom and depth we were…

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Fishing with Ian and Michael Tuesday

November 2, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian and Michael Tuesday

On Tuesday I fished with Ian Slater for a half day before he had to get to work. Joining us was Michael Hetzel, who has been staying with Kat and myself for the last week. While we had made a brief foray into the dock lights for baby tarpon a few nights ago, this was the…

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Fishing with Ian Earlier in the Week

October 23, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Earlier in the Week

Last Tuesday I fished for a few hours in the morning with Ian Slater. Ian had to leave the water early for a shift at the shop, so we made a half day out of the morning. The permit fishing has been good, if windy, and as such we spent our time looking for a…

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Fishing With Steve and Chad/Newsletter

October 20, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing With Steve and Chad/Newsletter

Sorry for the delay on this report–the back door to the website has been down for some time as we’ve updated our newsletter sign-up on the site. If you want new content and updates when new fishing reports are uploaded, sign up–it’s easy, and there’s a link on the homepage! Herewith is the report from…

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Fishing With Ian Slater and John O’Hearn/Ted Margo/Current Conditions Update

October 2, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing With Ian Slater and John O’Hearn/Ted Margo/Current Conditions Update

At the beginning of last week, I fished with Ian Slater on Monday and John O’Hearn as Ted Margo’s guest on Tuesday. With Ian on Monday we only fished a half day in the morning, looking for permit. At our first stop of the morning Ian found a few tails nearby a flat, suspended in…

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