Month: September 2013

Fishing earlier this week with Will

September 27, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing earlier this week with Will

On Monday and Tuesday, I fished with Will Benson. DAY ONE: We left early from parts far away, and within 20 minutes of leaving the dock we found some small tarpon to play with. I jumped one, had another bite, and as the sun crept higher we elected to leave the pons for some permit.…

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Fishing with John and Ted

September 21, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with John and Ted

On Tuesday, I fished with Ted Margo and Captain John O’Hearn. Here’s what happened: DAY ONE: With the clouds in full effect, we decided to start early and look for some small tarpon. In the rain, we found a number of small tarpon. I caught the first one we hooked, and then we had to…

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Superfly Prefish report, Part ONE of THREE

September 9, 2013 Comments Off on Superfly Prefish report, Part ONE of THREE

Leading up to the Superfly, I fished with Justin Rea for two days. We started on Tuesday, and here’s what happened: DAY ONE: We started early, and Justin had tarpon and bonefish on the brain. He found a school of small tarpon early, and while they didn’t show at first they woke up as the…

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Superfly Prefish report, part TWO of THREE

September 9, 2013 Comments Off on Superfly Prefish report, part TWO of THREE

After the two days with Justin, I had Aaron booked for the Superfly tournament and the day before. This is the report from the day before the tournament. We started in the morning, early to look for tarpon. While we met at the dock at 6, after I forgot something at home and Aaron forgot…

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Superfly report, Part THREE of THREE

September 9, 2013 Comments Off on Superfly report, Part THREE of THREE

After the last two days of fishing, each with a permit and one with a slam, it was either a great or a terrible way to walk into the Superfly. We had momentum, to be sure, but there was a distinctive possibility that we’d used up all of our mojo. Either way, off we went.…

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