Year: 2023

Current Conditions

December 19, 2023

As the year draws to a close, we’ve got a fun change in the air down here: we actually are having a few back-to-back cold fronts. It’s chilly, if not cold, and that means good things for the future fishing whenever things start to warm up some. I’m hopeful that when it gets right we…

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Fishing Lately

November 24, 2023

In the last month, I’ve been able to get back into the habit of permit fishing. It’s been nice, and frustrating, and all of the things between that make it the kind of thing I miss when I don’t do it enough or as much as I once did. Our goal has been the 4#…

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Tournament update, upcoming project

October 17, 2023

Once again I feel obligated to mention that I’m aware these reports have been appearing at a slower than usual rate, though I suppose by now it would be unusual for them to appear as often as they once did. After I finished a few weeks of recovery from the shoulder surgery in August I…

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Current fishing update

August 28, 2023

I haven’t been fishing for a while, having had some minor surgery in the beginning of the month, though I’m getting back into the swing of things and have a fair amount of time on the water coming up. I’m again fishing the Fall Fly with Brandon Cyr, and looking forward greatly to the opportunity…

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Tournament Season Recap

July 4, 2023

I realize that I’ve been slacking in the fishing reports department, which is largely a product of having less time to reminisce. I do want to recap both the fishing we had in both the Golden Fly and the Gold Cup, as well as give proper respect and mention of the teams that did better…

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Fishing Lately

April 13, 2023

Since the March Merkin, I’ve been getting out with Ian Slater a lot to get some practice in before the tournaments. We’ve been working hard, catching fish at times and at others wishing for better attitudes. Last week we caught a nice fish that would have been a joy in a tournament setting that we…

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March Merkin Results

March 19, 2023

It’s very likely that by now anyone reading this has heard from other places that the 2023 March Merkin was a grind for everyone. The fishing has been slow lately for permit, and the weather has been beautiful for the last few months, which pushed them offshore earlier than normal. The recent weather was also…

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Fishing with Zach

March 12, 2023

With the March Merkin starting Tuesday, I’ve been fishing very little as Kat prepares for the tournament with Doug Kilpatrick. Since the Cuda Bowl, in fact, I’ve only been able to get out on the water a single day. This isn’t much, but that’s about to change: once the tournament is over, I’m on relatively…

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Cuda Bowl 2023, Results + Our Fishing

February 20, 2023

Last weekend the 2023 Cuda Bowl took place, and for the first time in a few years I fished it. It was fun to step back into the mix in this tournament, which has grown in both popularity and participation over the years. I fished it this year with Doug Kilpatrick, and while we didn’t…

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