Month: January 2010

Cold Front/Fish Kill/back in the Saddle

January 21, 2010 Comments Off on Cold Front/Fish Kill/back in the Saddle

It will come as no suprise to those of you who have been watching the news that Florida, and the Keys, has experienced a fish kill over the last few weeks. As a result of an extended period of cold weather, we have watched with dismay as more than a few species of fish succumbed…

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Sunny intervals

January 1, 2010 Comments Off on Sunny intervals

So, without much of a report to give (other than the fact that the weather is warm and the fishing is phenomenal) I was looking for any piece of angling news on the web for inspiration to help with the task of my daily fishing report. As is usually the case, my unbridled inter-web surfing…

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Video from New Zealand, update from North Country, Key West fishing

January 1, 2010 Comments Off on Video from New Zealand, update from North Country, Key West fishing

My apologies for the absence of anything new for the last few days, but I return bearing a gift: a link to a video my brother Caleb shot in New Zealand last December. Watch a big brown trout feeding and a big brother comment on it. Video Courtesy Vicky and Caleb Linville: I was…

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Permit Photographs

January 1, 2010 Comments Off on Permit Photographs

It’s pretty cool to see photos of fish in their natural environment, happy as all get up doing what they do best. Until I can supply a report from the show in New Orleans (which includes a GREAT carp fishing report), these will have to do. That’s it. Regards, ncl/tac

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Fishing with Steve, Part 2

January 1, 2010 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve, Part 2

Day 2 began with clear skies and warm water, and our fishing showed improvement. We fed a large fish at around 10 AM, and pulled the hook out of it’s mouth on the hook set. Immediately thereafter, we hooked a large fish that stayed connected. We survived the first set of jumps and we fired…

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Jon Ain

January 1, 2010 Comments Off on Jon Ain

Yesterday, while I was fishing with Captain Mike Gorton, we heard the news that Jon Ain passed away. Jon had been battling cancer for the last few months, and everyone in the lower Keys has been in touch with him while he was in Denver being treated. Jon was a talented and committed angler and,…

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