Month: May 2014

Current Conditions

May 23, 2014 Comments Off on Current Conditions

It’s a nice thing that happens sometimes when the wind has been blowing for a long time and it finally lays down. (Sidenote: I am using lay intentionally. Just as tarpon lay up, wind lays down). Next week in Apalachicola, reports to follow. n

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Last two days with John

May 21, 2014 Comments Off on Last two days with John

Yesterday and the day before I fished with John O’Hearn. Yesterday, we were joined by my good friend Dave Dalu. DAY ONE: If you keep up with these reports, you know it has been windy. You also might know that I haven’t fished for about ten days, which has kept complaints about the wind on…

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Current Conditions

May 17, 2014 Comments Off on Current Conditions

It’s windy. The wind this season has (unfortunately) been at the center of many experiences on the water, but the fish are still around and working through the howling has proven to be worth the efforts. A light cold front also came through last night, and while it hasn’t dropped the emperature much there is…

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Last week with Doug/Current Conditions/Upcoming

May 15, 2014 Comments Off on Last week with Doug/Current Conditions/Upcoming

The last day I fished before a small window off the water (in which I am in the middle of) I fished with Captain Doug Kilpatrick. Fitz was unable to make a day he had booked in advance, and since Doug and I are fishing the Gold Cup we conspired to practice fish for a…

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Kapusta Reels

May 15, 2014 Comments Off on Kapusta Reels

This is typically a fishing only place, though when interesting things come along I am happy to share them as well. While I’m hesitant to use this space to push product, I’m excited about our new relationship with Tom Kapusta and the reels he has made for us in the shop. We have a matched…

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Last week with Simon

May 9, 2014 Comments Off on Last week with Simon

I’m still in the process of catching up with these pages, but it’s worth mentioning that I’m almost there. The current conditions have been windy and tough, and though there are plenty of fish around they have remained tough to feed for most. Last week I fished with Simon Becker again, and while we were…

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Fishing with Howard last week

May 8, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing with Howard last week

Last week, after the day with Joe and Frankie, I joined Howard Davis and Captain Shane Wood for a day on the water. They had experienced slow fishing the day before, so Shane decided to post up in a spot and wait for the fish to come through–smart stuff, but hard at times to stick…

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Fishing with Simon Last Week

May 3, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing with Simon Last Week

I’ve been fishing much, so I will be uploading the days in lag order. Last Sunday (a week ago tomorrow) I fished with Simon Becker. Joining us was Kathryn Vallilee. We started by permit fishing, which was quite good. Kathryn had a couple great shots, nearly hooking one on her first. The fish was behind…

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Fishing last week with Joe

May 3, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing last week with Joe

After the fishing with Simon and Kathryn, I joined Frankie Marion for a day with Captain Joe Rodriguez. The wind was in full effect (as it has been since), but Joe was unfazed and we went out to give it a shot. We started at 7 AM, and drove an hour to where Joe wanted…

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