Month: October 2017

Fishing with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos

October 22, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos

Earlier in the week I fished for a day with Ian Slater and Joe Skrumbellos. We took my boat, which was slightly overkill for permit fishing, though we had to let the beast stretch its legs since it’s been idle since before Irma. I was looking forward to the day fishing with Joe, who has…

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Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick

October 14, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick

Earlier in the week I got out on the water for a day with Doug Kilpatrick–the number at the bottom of a complicated receipt. There was an eating competition involved, and a pick gaff, and somehow it ended up that Doug was going to take me fishing and that’s how it happened. We set out…

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Fishing with John earlier in the week

October 8, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with John earlier in the week

On Monday and Tuesday, I fished with John O’Hearn. It was our first day back on the water together since the days in August with Chad, when we had come perilously close to the 2lb permit record with a fish that was 4 ounces shy of the current record. Between then and now much has…

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After Irma

October 1, 2017 Comments Off on After Irma

I’m sure everyone has heard about Irma and the damage that was done to the Keys. In places it’s worse than you can imagine, and in others it’s less than you’d think. Key West did incredibly well, without much of a storm surge, and while there are a lot of trees down it’s on the…

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