Year: 2021

Taking a break from these pages, but only for a bit.

November 6, 2021

In the middle of the draft of this report, which I had intended to finish last Monday, Kat and I welcomed our baby girl, Violet Vallilee Linville. She’s running us a little ragged at the moment, which will mean that these pages are on the back burner for a bit, but I’ll be back on…

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Fishing with David Mangum and John O’Hearn, Brandon Cyr and Nick Labadie

September 26, 2021

Before the recent trip to Homestead to fish with Lincoln Rodriguez, David Mangum came into town for a few days of permit fishing with the usual cast of characters. We were only missing Ian Slater this time around, who’s schedule didn’t line up for our days this year. Before I started fishing, Kat and David…

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Fishing with Steve and Kat

September 12, 2021

Last week I traveled to the Everglades again, this time with Kat to celebrate her birthday, to fish with Steve Huff. As readership of these pages know, I spent a fair amount of time up there over the years fishing with Steve and a rotating cast of hopeful abettors for the six. In the end…

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Fishing with Scott and Wes

August 12, 2021

Last week Wes Smith came to town. For those of you familiar with these reports, that’s not surprising: he’s been committed to the fishing down here for some time, and in addition to being one of the best roommates Kat and I have ever had he’s also becoming a fisherman that’s fun to watch, both…

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Del Brown 2021 Results + Our Fishing

July 25, 2021

Last week John O’Hearn and I fished the Del Brown. We’ve fished this tournament for the last six years, and after deciding that our time in the permit tournaments was drawing to a close had the actually pretty fun experience of just fishing the event without worrying about how we were doing. Our prefishing day…

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Fishing This Week and last

July 17, 2021

After the Gold Cup, I had an opportunity to spend a day on the water. I was invited to fish with Scott Collins by Todd Brown, a great guy and a fly tyer who is exactly my kind of fishing nerd. We went nearby where Ian and I spent our time in the recent event,…

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Gold Cup 2021 Results + Our Fishing

July 5, 2021

Last week the Gold Cup wound up and down, starting Monday and finishing on Friday. After the Golden Fly in May that ended with a break down, Ian and I were happy to have a chance to redeem ourselves. Our prefishing was relatively dismal, still plagued by the wind and weather that’s been a hallmark…

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2021 Golden Fly, Results + Our Fishing

May 31, 2021

Last week the 2021 Golden Fly tournament took place, and while it was a hard week of fishing for the entire field the competition was fierce as always. With wind in the high 20’s and a population of fish that has seemed to take its time in arriving, this year’s tournament was difficult for all…

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Fishing Lately

May 7, 2021

Over the last few weeks, Ian Slater and I have been getting out a lot. We’re deep in preparation for the upcoming Golden Fly tournament, which is in two weeks and has felt much longer than that away for some time. We’ve been giving our attention exclusively to tarpon, which is normal for May, and…

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Fishing last week

April 18, 2021

Last week I had a pair of days scheduled, one with Nick Labadie and one with Scott Collins. After that I fished with Ian Slater and John O’Hearn. The weather has been cold, colder than we anticipated when we booked the days in the fall, and on each of the first two we decided to…

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