Month: November 2018

Fishing with Joe Skrumbellos

November 12, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Joe Skrumbellos

On Friday I spent the day with Joe Skrumbellos. We intended to fish for permit, given our respective obsession with their local population, though each of us acknowledged the time of year (and our desire to have some actual fun) by bringing a barracuda rod. We headed out in the morning, fishing a small piece…

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Sugarloaf Showdown Results + Our fishing

November 8, 2018 Comments Off on Sugarloaf Showdown Results + Our fishing

Over the weekend the Sugarloaf Showdown wrapped up. Kat and I again fished with Doug Kilpatrick in this tournament, one that’s become a fun break from the seriousness of things like the Gold Cup and the March Merkin. I will add, however, that like most tournaments in the Keys it’s becoming more and more competitive.…

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