Month: December 2016

Fishing Last Week with Ian

December 26, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Ian

At the end of last week, I spent a day on the water with Ian Slater. The fishing hadn’t been great for Ian the days leading up to our trip, so we discussed a new plan that involved us going to some places we don’t fish very often. We hoped for a permit, but in…

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Offshore with Chris Trosset

December 17, 2016 Comments Off on Offshore with Chris Trosset

After a great many months of discussion regarding an offshore trip together, Chris Trosset and I finally made it happen this week. We were joined by Ryan Shapiro, a friend of Chris’ that owns the Thirsty Mermaid. Our target was a wahoo on fly, which has been on my list of like-tos for a while.…

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Fishing with Steve, Ian and Chad

December 8, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve, Ian and Chad

Last week, I fished with Steve Huff. If you’re familiar with these reports you know what we were trying to do: catch the 6. The pursuit of this record has brought me to places and with people that I am lucky to be around. It has also tested every bit of my mental and physical…

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