Month: April 2017

Fishing Yesterday/Last Week with John/Improving Conditions

April 28, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday/Last Week with John/Improving Conditions

The awful early season weather we had has finally passed, and it seems that things are heating up in serious ways. I last left the reports off last week, which leaves me writing this report in the beautiful weather (and after a great day of fishing yesterday) about heading out with John O’Hearn into the…

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Getting Current, last week with Ian and Simon

April 21, 2017 Comments Off on Getting Current, last week with Ian and Simon

With this report I hope to be current on the fishing I’ve been up to. If you have been keeping up with the weather and fishing reports from the Keys, it’s no surprise that the fishing has been hard. The weather that rolled through in the Merkin has stayed, preventing anything from getting right. What…

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Last week in two parts, yesterday with Ray Fetcher

April 11, 2017 Comments Off on Last week in two parts, yesterday with Ray Fetcher

Last week I was able to get out on the water two days. Both were invitations to fish with friends of mine–on Monday I joined Howard Davis fishing with Ian Slater, and yesterday I joined John Kelleher fishing with John O’Hearn. I’ll start with the earlier of the days, with Howard and Ian. I was excited…

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