Month: July 2021

Del Brown 2021 Results + Our Fishing

July 25, 2021

Last week John O’Hearn and I fished the Del Brown. We’ve fished this tournament for the last six years, and after deciding that our time in the permit tournaments was drawing to a close had the actually pretty fun experience of just fishing the event without worrying about how we were doing. Our prefishing day…

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Fishing This Week and last

July 17, 2021

After the Gold Cup, I had an opportunity to spend a day on the water. I was invited to fish with Scott Collins by Todd Brown, a great guy and a fly tyer who is exactly my kind of fishing nerd. We went nearby where Ian and I spent our time in the recent event,…

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Gold Cup 2021 Results + Our Fishing

July 5, 2021

Last week the Gold Cup wound up and down, starting Monday and finishing on Friday. After the Golden Fly in May that ended with a break down, Ian and I were happy to have a chance to redeem ourselves. Our prefishing was relatively dismal, still plagued by the wind and weather that’s been a hallmark…

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