Month: July 2013

Del Brown 2013: Our Fishing, Results

July 22, 2013 Comments Off on Del Brown 2013: Our Fishing, Results

After our prefishing days, Aaron and I kept walking into the Del Brown. DAY ONE: We began after the requisite tournament breakfast and coffee, and headed far away from the tough fishing we had experienced the last two days. While we had no indication that the fishing would be better, we were hopeful: theoretically, there…

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Del Brown Report, PART ONE: Prefish (2 days, much bonefish, a broken rod)

July 21, 2013 Comments Off on Del Brown Report, PART ONE: Prefish (2 days, much bonefish, a broken rod)

As many of you know, last week was the Del Brown permit tournament. I was fishing it with Aaron Snell, and the following is an account of our prefish days (13 and 14 July). DAY ONE: We left the dock for an early start, looking to fish the same tides that would be on during…

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Fishing two days ago with Aaron Snell, PM with Tomo Chalmers and a permit

July 11, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing two days ago with Aaron Snell, PM with Tomo Chalmers and a permit

Two nights ago I went fishing with Tomonori, a friend from Japan. We had a fun time in the lights, though we only managed to hook one of the many tarpon we saw and threw at. Our tide wasn’t great, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless and called it a night to get some sleep as…

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Fishing with Adam Tondu and Bruce Chard, yesterday with Joe Rodriguez

July 1, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with Adam Tondu and Bruce Chard, yesterday with Joe Rodriguez

On Friday I was invited to fish with Adam Tondu, who had booked Bruce Chard for the day. Their fishing the day before had been decent but the light was tough, and we were excited when the morning brought with it little cloud cover and light winds–perfect conditions for tarpon fishing. Adam was up first,…

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