Month: March 2014

March Merkin, 2014

March 21, 2014 Comments Off on March Merkin, 2014

The last four days have been truly incredible. I write this the day after fishing for four with John O’Hearn. While we didn’t win, we put forth our best efforts and tried hard. Before I get in to the specifics of each day, I want to take a moment to congratulate Captain Scott Collins and…

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With Aaron earlier this week

March 14, 2014 Comments Off on With Aaron earlier this week

Monday and Tuesday I fished with Aaron Snell. We were to be joined by Kathryn on Tuesday, though with the Merkin upcoming and knowing that most of the day would be spent with me pining for more practice we decided that I should go it alone with Aaron and try to grease the groove a…

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Some Photos for Your Eyes/current condtions

March 9, 2014 Comments Off on Some Photos for Your Eyes/current condtions

The fishing has slowed, and while this is sad it also is a good thing: we simply can’t have as much warm weather and great fishing this time of year without paying for it later. The cold front that came through has already gone away, but from what I hear the fishing has yet to…

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Last week, David Miller, PM pon with Aaron

March 8, 2014 Comments Off on Last week, David Miller, PM pon with Aaron

These reports have been slow lately, but I’m back in action. Here’s what all has been going on: Last week (Monday and Tuesday) I fished with Doug Kilpatrick. On Monday I fished alone, and on Tuesday was joined by Kathryn Vallilee. Monday started out well, as we found some tarpon. I was throwing six, hoping…

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