Month: February 2019

Fishing since the Cuda Bowl

February 28, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing since the Cuda Bowl

After the Cuda Bowl I was ready to spend some time on the bow. I’d spent plenty of time fishing of course on the recent trip to the overseas, though as is currently being proven by some recent itinerant arrivals in our midst trout are a very different creature than what we’re after here. I…

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Cuda Bowl 2019, Results + Fishing

February 11, 2019 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl 2019, Results + Fishing

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of fishing in the Cuda Bowl. Kat and I had traveled to New Zealand with my parents for nearly a month at the beginning of the year, and getting back home to the salt felt as good as I knew it was going to. Speaking of getting back,…

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