Month: July 2014

Upcoming Fishing

July 31, 2014 Comments Off on Upcoming Fishing

Now that mini-season is finishing up, it’s time to get back to business. Saturday and Sunday I have two days off fishing planned with John O’Hearn, and our target will be permit on 2 lb tippet. While we certainly expect it to be difficult, the only way to do it is to try–and try we…

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Last Two Days with Simon

July 23, 2014 Comments Off on Last Two Days with Simon

The last two days I fished with Simon Becker. The first day we were joined by Jason “College” Schratwieser and the second day we were joined by Kat Vallilee. Our fishing was good, and as always it was a pleasure to fish with Simon Becker. Here’s how it all went down: Day One: We started…

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Del Brown 2014

July 18, 2014 Comments Off on Del Brown 2014

The last four days Aaron and I went fishing in the Del Brown Permit Tournament. I had a great time with Aaron, and would like to thank him for some of the most amazing days of permit fishing I’ve ever had. It sure was a blast, and we won the tournament. After a close second…

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Poor Boys 2014

July 9, 2014 Comments Off on Poor Boys 2014

Last weekend (5-6 July) I fished with Captain Joe Rodriguez in the Poor Boys tournament in Islamorada. While we had a great first day of fishing, it wasn’t enough to carry us through a second tough day that was, for us, fishless. Captain Brian Helms came through with a super-solid second day, posting four releases.…

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Current conditions, upcoming

July 1, 2014 Comments Off on Current conditions, upcoming

As July arrives, we’ve got lots to be happy about. The weather is nice, the crowds have gone, and the fishing is by all accounts great. This week upcoming I have no fishing planned until Saturday, when I’m fishing with Joe Rodriguez in the Poor Boys tournament in Islamorada. It’s been a while since I…

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