Month: February 2018

Fishing with Scott Collins. Nate’s attempt at finding some permit shots. (former = waaaaaaay better than the latter)

February 28, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Scott Collins. Nate’s attempt at finding some permit shots. (former = waaaaaaay better than the latter)

Two weeks ago (or some other time, I can’t really remember) I fished with Scott Collins. We had a day on credit after missing a weather day in January when Jeff Audette was down, and we randomly selected one that on which we had no other obligations to give it a shot. The weather was…

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Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick and Wes Smith, also with Ian Slater

February 14, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick and Wes Smith, also with Ian Slater

Last week I was invited to fish with Doug Kilpatrick, as a guest of Wes Smith. Wes had three days booked with Doug and asked me to tag along on day one, which I was glad to do. We got ready in the morning and set forth for [redacted], hoping to find some shots at…

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Cuda Bowl 2018, Results + Our Fishing

February 8, 2018 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl 2018, Results + Our Fishing

Over the weekend the annual Cuda Bowl took place, and I was invited by Ted Margo to fish with him and John O’Hearn in the spin division. I’ve fished this tournament in the fly division since its first year, and enjoyed a fair amount of success in it with John Benvenuto as well as Aaron…

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Fishing with Steve and Chad

February 7, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Chad

After the day with Jeff and Scott, I traveled to the Everglades to fish with Steve and Chad Huff. We were once again hopeful that the weather would warm up enough for us to look for a tarpon, and after the last three trips rendered zero shots we were all hoping for a change in…

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Fishing with Scott Collins and Jeff Audette

February 6, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Scott Collins and Jeff Audette

During our September trip to Punta Gorda (FL, thanks to Irma, instead of Belize as planned), Kat and I found some new friends in Jeff and Laurie Audette. Jeff and I worked together for a while during the blackout, when the status of our life in the Keys was unknown, and hatched a plan to…

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