Month: April 2018

Fishing with John O’Hearn

April 29, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn

It’s a fine thing to be booked with a great guide on two fantastic weather days, and as much as I fish it’s still a surprise when the weather lines up with the days I’ve got scheduled. Earlier in the week the weather had been poor, cold and windy; by the time John and I…

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Fishing with Ian Slater and Simon Becker (plus special guest angler Joe Skrumbellos)

April 23, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Slater and Simon Becker (plus special guest angler Joe Skrumbellos)

Last week I fished for two days. The first was with Ian Slater, and we set our sights on tarpon. With the upcoming tarpon tournaments and my recent re-tooling of fish fighting, I was interested in getting the new boat on the water and us attached to some faces. We started early and had a…

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Fishing with Aaron Snell and Vicky, also with Ian Slater and Howard Davis

April 18, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Aaron Snell and Vicky, also with Ian Slater and Howard Davis

After the facepunch that was detailed in the last report I had an opportunity to spend a few days fishing with a number of different guides and friends/family. Last Tuesday I fished with my mother, Vicky, and Aaron Snell. Wednesday last I fished with Howard Davis on our annual day together with Ian Slater, and…

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Fishing with Steve and Chad/A Windy Day with Chadillac239 and Scott Collins

April 2, 2018 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Chad/A Windy Day with Chadillac239 and Scott Collins

After the March Merkin I traveled to Everglades City to fish with Steve and Chad. In my last six scheduled trips north I’ve been lining up quite closely with some far-from-perfect weather, and this trip was sadly no exception. We’ve kept ourselves occupied by snook fishing and some brief looks for tarpon on those trips…

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