Month: August 2014

Permit on four lb tippet, last three days

August 30, 2014 Comments Off on Permit on four lb tippet, last three days

These pages haven’t been getting much love lately, and for that I apologize. I have been fishing, though, and have much to report. First, I had a great few hours with Justin Rea earlier in the week. In a morning fun-fish, we caught a few bonefish while wading. It was great to see some fish…

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Yesterday, next week

August 20, 2014 Comments Off on Yesterday, next week

The summer months have set in, and as such my fishing has slowed a bit. Yesterday I went out lobstering with Jared Cyr, and while I was unable to get any he was very kind to share some that he had caught with me. Next week, I’m headed out with John O’Hearn for a serious…

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Fishing this morning

August 10, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing this morning

This morning I had an opportunity to get out on the water for a few hours with Captain Jared Cyr. Our plan was to “fun fish”, codespeak for push one another around. We started near to Key West, and Jared had a decent shot at a single permit that disappeared in the early glare. Following…

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Over the Weekend with John

August 6, 2014 Comments Off on Over the Weekend with John

Over the weeekend, I fished for two days with John O’Hearn. Our target was a permit record on 2 lb tippet. Currently, the record is held by Del Brown and Steve Huff. Day One: We started off by fishing for tarpon before the light was high enough to see permit. In two hours we had…

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