Day: April 7, 2012

Some sad news

April 7, 2012 Comments Off on Some sad news

Last night I heard a terrible story that I hoped wasn’t true; late last night it was confirmed that Jose Wejebe, host of “Spanish Fly” on the Outdoor Network and phenomenal angler/guide, died in a plane crash in Everglades City yesterday afternoon. The Angling Company wishes his family strength and grace, and more information will…

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The Last Two Days

April 7, 2012 Comments Off on The Last Two Days

The last two days I fished with Aaron Snell, and was joined by Dave Dalu for the first day. Andy Mill could not make it, so the second day Aaron and I pursued the six solo. Day One: We began at a civilized 8:30, and the clouds were many and unfriendly. After a 30 minute…

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