Year: 2015

Offshore Report, RT and Tim Vallilee

December 31, 2015 Comments Off on Offshore Report, RT and Tim Vallilee

Yesterday I fished with RT as the guest of my father in law, Tim Vallilee. We also brought along John Vallilee, Kat’s brother. Also on board (and receiving by unanimous decision the Hardest Worker Award for the day) was Patrick, RT’s mate. Over the last few years, I’ve had some tough luck on the offshore front.…

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Fishing With Zack Stells

December 27, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing With Zack Stells

I was thinking about the fishing reports the other day, and realized that I had neglected to include a day with Zack Stells a few weeks ago. After returning from the Everglades and getting everything sorted out in the work/sanity/pre-Christmas department was able to get on the water with Zack for a day. When I…

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Fishing Last Week with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser

December 20, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser

Last week I traveled to the Everglades to fish once again with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser. We were again in pursuit of the six pound tarpon record, and again we had some fair weather in which to get it done. Day One: We started at 6 with breakfast as usual, and headed out in…

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Fishing with Greg Kelly and Mike Pollack/John O’Hearn and Drew Delashmit

December 5, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Greg Kelly and Mike Pollack/John O’Hearn and Drew Delashmit

Earlier this week, I fished for a day as the guest of Greg Kelly and Michael Pollack. Greg and I have become permit buddies over the last few months, and after talking about the life cycle of a crab through long text message exchanges and over dinner it was high time to get out and…

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Fishing Yesterday with Ian Slater

November 27, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday with Ian Slater

Yesterday was thanksgiving, and as I had the day off and no plans until 4 Ian and I hatched a plan to get out on the water for the first part of the day. We started off by looking for permit, though in short order it became clear that this was not meant to be.…

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Fishing with Steve and Chad

November 20, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Chad

Last week, before the Sugarloaf Showdown, I went up to Everglades City to fish with Steve Huff. Again, we were in pursuit of the six pound tippet tarpon record, and as our third member we had Chad Huff, whom I had only met briefly the week prior at the IGFA Hall of Fame dinner. The…

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Louisiana with Fitz and Dotty and Kat

November 5, 2015 Comments Off on Louisiana with Fitz and Dotty and Kat

When Kat and I were married last November, Fitz Coker was my best man. At that time, he gifted Kat and myself a trip with him and Dotty to New Orleans the following November, which happened upon us this year. After hearing about this fishery from people for a while now, and after a year…

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Fishing With Doug Kilpatrick and Ted Margo

October 31, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing With Doug Kilpatrick and Ted Margo

          Just before Kat and I left for New Orleans with Fitz and Dotty, I had an opportunity to spend the day on Doug Kilpatrick’s skiff as a guest of Ted Margo. We intended to look for mostly permit, though our plan was to fish for anything that came along. Ted…

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Fishing with John O’Hearn and Lawson Stiff

October 30, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn and Lawson Stiff

At the end of last month, I fished a day as the guest of Lawson Stiff and John O’Hearn. Our plan was to fish for permit, and it was a great day to do just that. We started off looking but not finding, and when the tide got right the fish appeared where we hoped…

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Belize, Part 2

October 29, 2015 Comments Off on Belize, Part 2

We left off after the third day of fishing, in which Kat got her first fish of the trip. On the fourth day, Kat fished solo with Scully and Michael and I were on Eworth’s boat. For us all, the fishing was very tough. The fish didn’t seem to be where we thought they would.…

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