Month: February 2014

Fishing last week with John

February 23, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing last week with John

Last week I fished two days with John O’Hearn. On the first day we were joined by Kathryn Vallilee. Day one started out with a fair amount of pomp when Kathryn fed a medium sized pon on her frst shot. She came within inches of the release before breaking the fish off, and was sufficiently…

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An amazing day off

February 18, 2014 Comments Off on An amazing day off

Yesterday, I had a day off from both work and fishing. I went to the park to cast a fly rod for a few hours with Kathryn, and afterwards thought it would be worth a look for a small pon. We found them, though I couldn’t buy a bite. After a fly change and letting…

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Current conditions/LKGA party

February 14, 2014 Comments Off on Current conditions/LKGA party

Yesterday and today were the first relatively cold days we’ve had here in a while, and even though the fishing was slightly shut down due to the chill it’s always nice to have some cold fronts during the winter to put everything back to its right place. As the warming trend continues the fish will…

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Permit fishing/current conditions

February 13, 2014 Comments Off on Permit fishing/current conditions

After the days with Steve, I fished with John O’Hearn as a guest of Ted Margo. We had a great time, and while it took us a few hours to locate the lips we eventually finished the day with a few shots. It’s worth mentioning that Ted Margo made a few of the best casts…

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Fishing with Steve

February 12, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve

I am in the process of catching up with the reports, so please forgive me for being a week late on these pages. Following the three epic days of barracuda fishing with John Benvenuto, I got in the car for the four hour drive to Everglades City to fish for the six with Steve Huff.…

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The Cuda Bowl

February 6, 2014 Comments Off on The Cuda Bowl

It’s been a while since I’ve updated these pages, but as I mentioned I have been fishing a lot and have been producing the raw material to be featured here. I’ll begin by mentioning a pair of great days that I had with John O’Hearn last Monday and Tuesday. While it could be argued that…

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