Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing on Tuesday with Simon

September 19, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing on Tuesday with Simon

On Tuesday I fished with Captain Simon Becker. We were joined by Kathryn Vallilee. We started on some nearby areas, hoping to find some permit to throw a fly at. Kat had a shot at a single, though for the first hour or so the permit fishing was slow. Following this, we relocated to an…

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PIctures from the Superfly and prefish day

September 7, 2014 Comments Off on PIctures from the Superfly and prefish day

While I uploaded the report already yesterday, here are the pictures I just received from Aaron Snell from our two day trip for the Superfly. Enjoy! The first day, our only real permit shot ended with a bang when I scared them off: And throughout the two days, our bonefish were easy to come by.…

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Supefly Results, upcoming fishing

September 6, 2014 Comments Off on Supefly Results, upcoming fishing

The last two days I fished in the Superfly tounament, the last of the tournaments for this year until the newly-minted Sugarloaf Showdown in November that the LKGA has put together from the 14-15 of November to benefit the Guides Trust Foundation (GTF). Until then, I’ll be fishing a fair amount and report back here.…

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Permit on four lb tippet, last three days

August 30, 2014 Comments Off on Permit on four lb tippet, last three days

These pages haven’t been getting much love lately, and for that I apologize. I have been fishing, though, and have much to report. First, I had a great few hours with Justin Rea earlier in the week. In a morning fun-fish, we caught a few bonefish while wading. It was great to see some fish…

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Yesterday, next week

August 20, 2014 Comments Off on Yesterday, next week

The summer months have set in, and as such my fishing has slowed a bit. Yesterday I went out lobstering with Jared Cyr, and while I was unable to get any he was very kind to share some that he had caught with me. Next week, I’m headed out with John O’Hearn for a serious…

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Fishing this morning

August 10, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing this morning

This morning I had an opportunity to get out on the water for a few hours with Captain Jared Cyr. Our plan was to “fun fish”, codespeak for push one another around. We started near to Key West, and Jared had a decent shot at a single permit that disappeared in the early glare. Following…

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Over the Weekend with John

August 6, 2014 Comments Off on Over the Weekend with John

Over the weeekend, I fished for two days with John O’Hearn. Our target was a permit record on 2 lb tippet. Currently, the record is held by Del Brown and Steve Huff. Day One: We started off by fishing for tarpon before the light was high enough to see permit. In two hours we had…

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Upcoming Fishing

July 31, 2014 Comments Off on Upcoming Fishing

Now that mini-season is finishing up, it’s time to get back to business. Saturday and Sunday I have two days off fishing planned with John O’Hearn, and our target will be permit on 2 lb tippet. While we certainly expect it to be difficult, the only way to do it is to try–and try we…

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Last Two Days with Simon

July 23, 2014 Comments Off on Last Two Days with Simon

The last two days I fished with Simon Becker. The first day we were joined by Jason “College” Schratwieser and the second day we were joined by Kat Vallilee. Our fishing was good, and as always it was a pleasure to fish with Simon Becker. Here’s how it all went down: Day One: We started…

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Del Brown 2014

July 18, 2014 Comments Off on Del Brown 2014

The last four days Aaron and I went fishing in the Del Brown Permit Tournament. I had a great time with Aaron, and would like to thank him for some of the most amazing days of permit fishing I’ve ever had. It sure was a blast, and we won the tournament. After a close second…

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Poor Boys 2014

July 9, 2014 Comments Off on Poor Boys 2014

Last weekend (5-6 July) I fished with Captain Joe Rodriguez in the Poor Boys tournament in Islamorada. While we had a great first day of fishing, it wasn’t enough to carry us through a second tough day that was, for us, fishless. Captain Brian Helms came through with a super-solid second day, posting four releases.…

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Current conditions, upcoming

July 1, 2014 Comments Off on Current conditions, upcoming

As July arrives, we’ve got lots to be happy about. The weather is nice, the crowds have gone, and the fishing is by all accounts great. This week upcoming I have no fishing planned until Saturday, when I’m fishing with Joe Rodriguez in the Poor Boys tournament in Islamorada. It’s been a while since I…

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Night Fishing Adventure, Yesterday with John Benvenuto

June 26, 2014 Comments Off on Night Fishing Adventure, Yesterday with John Benvenuto

Since the Gold Cup, I’ve been recuperating and hadn’t planned much fishing. That said, and in an effort to get these pages back on track, I have a few fishing excursions to report. The first was an evening trip with some new friends. I had given Josh a casting lesson earlier in the day, and…

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Catching up, so much news, Gold Cup results,

June 22, 2014 Comments Off on Catching up, so much news, Gold Cup results,

I know it’s been a while since I updated these pages, but I’ve been fully immersed in the Gold Cup and consequently have had no time to update these pages. This will improve. Prior to the tournament, I had a few great days fishing with John O’Hearn, then some time with Simon, then a last…

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Hawley Results/Last two days with John

June 7, 2014 Comments Off on Hawley Results/Last two days with John

I’d like to properly congratulate Scott Collins and Greg Smith (of recent Merkin fame) for their recent victory in the Hawley. These guys sure are bringing it in the tournament field, there is no doubt. On Thursday and Friday I fished with John O’Hearn, and we had a grand time. We had a few bites,…

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Current Conditions

June 4, 2014 Comments Off on Current Conditions

If I had the ability to take a bunch of clouds and lay them over this fishing report so you couldn’t read it unless you were next to some light bottom I would. Suffice to say it’s cloudy, rainy, and everyone is bothered by it. Tomorrow with John, Friday the same. Sunday and Monday with…

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Fishing in Parts North

June 2, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing in Parts North

Last week I had the opportunity to fish in the panhandle with Captain David Mangum. While I first met David a few years ago in the shop, we had never gotten together to fish together until these three days. My hope was to find some slightly larger tarpon to pull on, in preparation for the…

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Current Conditions

May 23, 2014 Comments Off on Current Conditions

It’s a nice thing that happens sometimes when the wind has been blowing for a long time and it finally lays down. (Sidenote: I am using lay intentionally. Just as tarpon lay up, wind lays down). Next week in Apalachicola, reports to follow. n

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Last two days with John

May 21, 2014 Comments Off on Last two days with John

Yesterday and the day before I fished with John O’Hearn. Yesterday, we were joined by my good friend Dave Dalu. DAY ONE: If you keep up with these reports, you know it has been windy. You also might know that I haven’t fished for about ten days, which has kept complaints about the wind on…

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Current Conditions

May 17, 2014 Comments Off on Current Conditions

It’s windy. The wind this season has (unfortunately) been at the center of many experiences on the water, but the fish are still around and working through the howling has proven to be worth the efforts. A light cold front also came through last night, and while it hasn’t dropped the emperature much there is…

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