Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Del Brown 2013: Our Fishing, Results

July 22, 2013 Comments Off on Del Brown 2013: Our Fishing, Results

After our prefishing days, Aaron and I kept walking into the Del Brown. DAY ONE: We began after the requisite tournament breakfast and coffee, and headed far away from the tough fishing we had experienced the last two days. While we had no indication that the fishing would be better, we were hopeful: theoretically, there…

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Del Brown Report, PART ONE: Prefish (2 days, much bonefish, a broken rod)

July 21, 2013 Comments Off on Del Brown Report, PART ONE: Prefish (2 days, much bonefish, a broken rod)

As many of you know, last week was the Del Brown permit tournament. I was fishing it with Aaron Snell, and the following is an account of our prefish days (13 and 14 July). DAY ONE: We left the dock for an early start, looking to fish the same tides that would be on during…

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Fishing two days ago with Aaron Snell, PM with Tomo Chalmers and a permit

July 11, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing two days ago with Aaron Snell, PM with Tomo Chalmers and a permit

Two nights ago I went fishing with Tomonori, a friend from Japan. We had a fun time in the lights, though we only managed to hook one of the many tarpon we saw and threw at. Our tide wasn’t great, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless and called it a night to get some sleep as…

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Fishing with Adam Tondu and Bruce Chard, yesterday with Joe Rodriguez

July 1, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with Adam Tondu and Bruce Chard, yesterday with Joe Rodriguez

On Friday I was invited to fish with Adam Tondu, who had booked Bruce Chard for the day. Their fishing the day before had been decent but the light was tough, and we were excited when the morning brought with it little cloud cover and light winds–perfect conditions for tarpon fishing. Adam was up first,…

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Yesterday with Justin Rea and Dave Dalu

June 27, 2013 Comments Off on Yesterday with Justin Rea and Dave Dalu

Yesterday I fished with Captain Justin Rea. Joining us was Dave Dalu. Given that the tarpon fishing in the lower Keys has been slim, and that Dave and Justin were excited to do something else, we elected to look for permit. As it was, the conditions were quite perfect with one (giant) exception: the clouds,…

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Carpathian Battle in NYC (complete with bows and arrows!), tomorrow

June 25, 2013 Comments Off on Carpathian Battle in NYC (complete with bows and arrows!), tomorrow

These reports have been quiet recently, since I was attending a wedding in New York over the last few days. That said, I have great news to report: David Nelson and I made it to a reservoir after the wedding and were able to get some carp fishing in. Despite very high water, we were…

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Fishing yesterday with Aaron, slam

June 18, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Aaron, slam

Yesterday I fished with Aaron Snell. Aaron and I have fished with company a fair amount this year, and it’s been a while since we had an opportunity to fish together as a pair. We started early, at 5:30, hoping to take a look in some shallow water for tailing permit. The cloud cover was…

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Fishing yesterday with Chris McCreedy

June 16, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Chris McCreedy

Yesterday I fished with Captain Chris McCreedy. We were celebrating his birthday, and the snack cakes were delicious. We were joined by Kathryn Vallilee, who was eager to catch her first daytime tarpon on the fly pole. We began near Key West, fishing for some smaller fish that Chris had found recently. It didn’t take…

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Fishing Wednesday

June 14, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing Wednesday

Wednesday I fished with John O’Hearn and Ted “Eyeballs” Margo. Our target was tarpon, and we left at 6:15 AM up the Keys (which means I woke up at 4 AM) in order to get our day on the proposed track. We started early in the back, with a fair number of shots at small…

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Fishing yesterday

June 11, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday

Yesterday I was invited to fish with Captain Sandy Horn by Ted Margo. We took a late start due to a plan to fish into the evening. By 11:00 we were on the water in the first spot, a backcountry area that typically holds a few giants. I had two shots at laid up fish,…

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Fishing with Chris McCreedy and Fitz last week

June 9, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with Chris McCreedy and Fitz last week

Earlier this week, I fished with Chris McCreedy and Fitz Coker. Since Fitz is leaving for Montana shortly, the window for us to hang out in is rapidly shrinking. Even though the weather had been windy and cloudy and rainy (driving more than a few people batty over the last few weeks) we decided to…

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Fishing with Jason Schratwieser and Aaron Snell

June 7, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with Jason Schratwieser and Aaron Snell

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of fishing with Jason Schratwieser, the conservation director of the IGFA. Jason and I have known one another for a while, but we had not yet fished together until now. I booked Aaron Snell for a day of fishing, and while the weather left much to be desired we…

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Fishing with John O’Hearn last week

May 31, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn last week

Finally, here’s an account of last week’s four-day trip with John O’Hearn. For the first three days, we were joined by Frankie Marion, who was shooting some video footage of our escapades (in preparation of next year’s planned video venture). He was kind enough to send us some stills of the fishing for this report.…

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Ted Margo, Brad Bowman, many creatures

May 29, 2013 Comments Off on Ted Margo, Brad Bowman, many creatures

I have yet to upload the large report from my four days with John O’Hearn last week, since I only just got photos from Frankie Marion who was on hand to document the proceedings. In the interim, while it’s pouring rain and blowing 25, here’s an account of my good friend Ted “Teddy Eyes” Margo…

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Goldenfly 2013 results

May 27, 2013 Comments Off on Goldenfly 2013 results

The Angling Company would like to extend our respect and congratulations to Captain Joe Rodriguez and his angler Julian Robertson for their victory in the 2013 Goldenfly Tarpon Tournament. If you read these reports, you know that Joe is a friend of ours, and we couldn’t be happier for him. Hats are also off to…

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Fishing this week, report to come

May 26, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing this week, report to come

Last week I spent four days with John O’Hearn. A full report is forthcoming, since I’m not scheduled to fish at all next week and will have photos to back up the stories. In the meantime, here are some pictures from Aaron Snell, who’s been slamming them pretty hard: Enjoy, the wind seems to be…

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Currently, next week

May 18, 2013 Comments Off on Currently, next week

At the moment I lack a personal report to post here, given the lack of fishing I’ve been doing for the last week. That said, it’s worth mentioning here that the wind has been the primary issue out there and that, while many fish have been about, they aren’t super excited about biting. Monday I…

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Fishing with RT last Sunday

May 15, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing with RT last Sunday

Sunday I fished with RT Trosset. Our target was tarpon–specifically, there was hope that we might pick a fight with a large fish on 6# tippet. As it was, we were unable to come tight but once (briefly) to a fish we couldn’t see. There were fish around us, and one even turned and tracked…

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Fishing yesterday with Aaron and Adam Tondu

May 11, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Aaron and Adam Tondu

Yesterday I fished with Aaron Snell and Adam Tondu, a friend from Chicago in town to catch his first tarpon. We started early, and in short order Aaron had us on a school of rolling fish. Adam was up first and it didn’t take long for Aaron to have him in position for a number…

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Fishing last night

May 9, 2013 Comments Off on Fishing last night

Last night I fished with Aaron Snell. We were joined by Kathryn Vallilee, who was hoping to catch her first large tarpon. While Aaron had found many fish in a few places the night before, we were unable to find the scales we wanted and called it a night early. Tomorrow I’m headed back out…

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