Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing on Sunday

November 15, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing on Sunday

A rematch between Team Snell/Linville and Team Shark has been scheduled for Sunday. Results will be posted here. ncl

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Fishing yesterday with Aaron

November 13, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Aaron

Yesterday, not having fished in a while, I booked Aaron for a half day of shark fishing. Since the majority of my recent angling has been spent in hot pursuit of the 6 lb tarpon record, and before that I spent 3 years on the 2 lb shark record, I figured it to be the…

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fishing tomorrow

November 11, 2012 Comments Off on fishing tomorrow

Tomorrow Aaron Snell and I are in pursuit of sharks. A report (and hopefully photos) will follow. ncl

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On the flats currently

November 9, 2012 Comments Off on On the flats currently

Reports are that the jacks are thickly distrubuted on the backs of rays. Get out there and catch them. Lenny Leonard provided the following proof: ncl

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Fishing with Bruce on Monday

November 7, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Bruce on Monday

On Monday I fished with Captain Bruce Chard. The days leading up to our trip were windy, warm, and sunny–perfect conditions for permit. I had discussed with Bruce our plan for the following day on Sunday, and we were ready with clear lines and 9 weights for an assault on the local permit population. When…

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Last week with Paul Dixon/VT update/Fishing Monday with Bruce Chard

November 3, 2012 Comments Off on Last week with Paul Dixon/VT update/Fishing Monday with Bruce Chard

In my continued effort to get current with the reports, I am reporting on a day of fishing that took place almost a week to the day before Sandy. From the pictures I’ve seen from where I grew up (in Norwalk, Connecticut, within sight of NYC) a lot of damage was done. The Angling Company…

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From David Miller, fishing with Mike Gorton at the Goodnews River Lodge

November 1, 2012 Comments Off on From David Miller, fishing with Mike Gorton at the Goodnews River Lodge

A few months ago, our good friend David Miller fished with Mike Gorton (who also guides down here) in Alaska at the Goodnews River Lodge. He supplied the following report and photos from his trip, and while it’s taken me too ling to post it here (with all of my long-winded musings about braking off…

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Fishing last week with Joe in the Park

October 31, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing last week with Joe in the Park

I know these reports have suffered recently; I have been travelling in Vermont and NY for 10 days, and have some stories to catch up on here. Let’s begin with the two days with Joe Rodriguez before I left for northcountry. Day One: Joe and I readied the 6 lb tippet and attendant gear into…

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Current conditions, a first, next week

October 13, 2012 Comments Off on Current conditions, a first, next week

Currently the fishing is great, though the wind has picked up and is making it difficult. Increased wind, however, means that the permit are less fussy–Dr. Wayne Holley, guided by Joel Dickey, capitalized on this yesterday when he caught his first permit: Obviously well done. I am scheduled to fish with Joe in the park…

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Fishing the glades yesterday

October 10, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing the glades yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Joe Rodriguez in the Everglades. We were fishing exclusively 6 lb tippet and looking for large tarpon. We left Islamorada at about 8:00, and ran to the park. We were plagued by clouds: both dense and between us as the sun, as well low on the horizon, casting a shady haze…

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Fishing tomorrow

October 7, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing tomorrow

I’m scheduled to fish tomorrow with Joe Rodriguez in the park for the six. The weather looks good, there are a few targets around, and a report will follow. ncl

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Yesterday with Joe

October 2, 2012 Comments Off on Yesterday with Joe

Yesterday Joe Rodriguez and I were scheduled to fish the glades on 6, though inclement weather forced us to reconsider. We opted instead to fish out of Key West, as the only thing we could do was to fish for permit. This wasn’t a bad thing considering the great permit fishing this time of year,…

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Fishing after work yesterday

September 30, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing after work yesterday

Last night after work, I was meeting with Jeff Paddock from Seaguar and Eagle Claw. Near his hotel, we found some off color water, and in it a host of small tarpon, snook, and jacks. I quickly grabbed a rod, and from the seawall caught a small tarpon. After getting in the water, I caught…

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Re tooled fishing schedule

September 28, 2012 Comments Off on Re tooled fishing schedule

Given the beautiful weather, an upcoming trip to the northeast (where, I’m told, there are no tarpon) and a lot of left over 6 pound class tippets from an overzealous tying session last week, Joe and I hatched a plan to spend a few days early next week in pursuit of the 6. It looks…

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Fishing on Monday with Joe

September 26, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing on Monday with Joe

Monday was another day for the 6, and while the weather was marginal at best Joe and I decided to go. We left Islamorada at about 7:15, and in high water made it to the glades in just under 45 minutes. Immediately, it was apparent that the only way for us to see a fish…

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Fishing tomorrow

September 23, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing tomorrow

Tomorrow I’m headed to the Everglades to fish with Joe Rodriguez and, if he can make it, Aaron Snell will join us. If you read these reports, you probably know how fired up I am to go toss some 3kg at large dragons in zero depth. Report to follow, as usual. ncl

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So much tuna

September 20, 2012 Comments Off on So much tuna

Last night, despite pressing obligations at the shop, Aaron and I headed out to try our luck at tuna fishing. There was plenty of bait around, and while we left the dock at 5 PM, by 6:00 we were laden with pilchards and headed out to tuna territory. We arrived at the spot, and it…

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Fishing yesterday with Captain Justin Rea

September 18, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Captain Justin Rea

Yesterday I fished with Captain Justin Rea. The last time I fished with Justin was during tarpon season, and as I recall we hooked a few tarpon and fought one on 6 for around an hour before it broke off. After being beaten by Justin in the Superfly this month (and last year’s Del Brown,…

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Ted’s Redemption, fishing on Monday

September 15, 2012 Comments Off on Ted’s Redemption, fishing on Monday

After Ted Margo blew a large permit capture on Wednesday, he came correct and made it happen with John O’Hearn yesterday. Here’s the photo: Hats off to John and Ted, who made it count when it mattered. Monday I fish with Justin Rea, a report will follow. ncl

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Fishing with John on Monday

September 12, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with John on Monday

Monday I was invited by Ted Margo to fish with him and Captain John O’Hearn. Our plan was to catch bonefish, and John took us to a flat 20 minutes from the ramp and in short order Ted was fishing. It didn’t take long for a school of bonefish to show up, and even less…

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