Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Superfly results

September 8, 2012 Comments Off on Superfly results

The Angling Company would like to extend our congratulations to Captain Justin Rea and Cal Collier, Jr. These two ninjas caught 4 tarpon and a bonefish, and beat the rest of the field for a second victory in the SLAM Superfly. Vicky Linville (according to Gary and Susan Ellis the first female competitor in a…

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Fishing the last three days

September 8, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing the last three days

The last three days I fished–first with my mother (Vicky) and Captain Drew Delashmit, then with Aaron for two days. Yesterday was the Superfly tournament. Day One: Vicky and I met Drew at a civilized 8:00, and we immediately went to look for bonefish. I hadn’t fished for nearly two weeks, and as such was…

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Welcome to September

September 1, 2012 Comments Off on Welcome to September

While I’ve not been fishing as much as is typical, that’s all changing as of Wednesday and I couldn’t be happier. September is here, and here’s to bonefish, permit, and baby tarpon. More to come when I’m back from fishing, and I hope to have lots of new photos to post here to supplement some…

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Fishing next week, after the storm, a visit

August 30, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing next week, after the storm, a visit

Today seems like the first day since Isaac that it sounds decent out there. I haven’t been out since before I left for Montana, but the reports I’m getting are pretty good from my friends that are out there today. On Tuesday my mother Vicky Linville arrives and we fish with Drew Delashmit on Wednesday.…

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After the Storm

August 27, 2012 Comments Off on After the Storm

As many of you have probably heard by now, Isaac was not a particularly notable meteorological event. Between the shop, my apartment, and a friend’s house, we never lost power. The shop is open at this point, though based on the lack of traffic it’s likely I’ll close at 6. Back to regular hours (9:30…

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Isaac, a party perhaps

August 25, 2012 Comments Off on Isaac, a party perhaps

So this place is shuttered up, and we’re all set for the first hurricane here at Angling Company. We’ll be here tonight, if you want to come in a say hello we might be having a bit of a party. More to come after Isaac rolls through, ncl

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Montana Carp Fishing Report

August 22, 2012 Comments Off on Montana Carp Fishing Report

Two nights ago I returned to Key West from a week in Montana. The purpose of the trip was to hang out with Fitz (who lives in Montana when not in Key West) as well as to catch carp. Some backstory: I had, up until this trip, fished for common carp a total of three…

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Update from the field

August 17, 2012 Comments Off on Update from the field

I realized today (thanks to a few text and email inquiries) that I hadn’t updated this report for a while. I am currently in montana, carp fishing with Fitz Coker. We’ve had a great two days so far, and I have a long report and some photos of beautiful carp to post here when I’m…

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Current Conditions

August 6, 2012 Comments Off on Current Conditions

The fishing remains pretty steady down here, though if you were out there today you either got seriously wet or called it an early day–maybe both. Our summer storms continue, however, alongside the incredible permit and bonefish action on the flats. I’ve been hearing that there are some large tarpon still around, though they’re tough…

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Fishing the Everglades yesterday

August 2, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing the Everglades yesterday

Yesterday I fished the glades with Joe Rodriguez. We were in pursuit of the 6. We left Joe’s house at 4:45 AM and drove to Islamorada. Following a quick lunch purchase, we splashed the boat and headed out. Joe told me that he wanted to check a spot close by Islamorada, so we ran for…

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Tom’s final Report, a photo

July 31, 2012 Comments Off on Tom’s final Report, a photo

This morning I had a chance to hear from Thomas Rapone first hand what happened last night while he was fishing with Captain Ryan Erickson. It seems that Tom finally, after four days of great fishing but poor capturing, found himself in the company of some tailing permit, and that he fed a large one…

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Fishing yesterday, The Heat

July 29, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday, The Heat

Yesterday Aaron and I went fishing for the day with Thomas Rapone, who is down fishing with Captain Ryan Erickson in Little Torch. Our day began with a small barracuda we spotted in a salt pond on the way to the dock from Aaron’s house. This little guy appeared to have an in-built water aerator:…

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Summer Bonefish Fishing/Remembering the Del

July 27, 2012 Comments Off on Summer Bonefish Fishing/Remembering the Del

Before I jump into a report about my fishing this morning with Aaron, a story from the Del that I wanted to remember. Just because we didn’t catch any fish doesn’t mean that we didn’t almost get caught out ourselves. On the second day of the tournament, a large storm rolled through the backcountry from…

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upcoming fishing

July 26, 2012 Comments Off on upcoming fishing

So, despite my report yesterday that said my next scheduled fishing was to be on 2 August, I have some upcoming fishing planned. Tomorrow morning before I work at 2 PM I’ll go out with Aaron to scout for some bonefish and permit. The 28 (Saturday) I fish with Captain Thomas Rapone, Esq.–how’s that for…

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Catfish fishing in Texas

July 25, 2012 Comments Off on Catfish fishing in Texas

I just returned from a day and a half in Texas, and while this trip was entirely business I did find some time to harass the catfish that live in the pond near my friend Ted Margo’s house. We chummed them with dog food, and even when we pulled the legs off of brown bass…

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Del Brown Results

July 20, 2012 Comments Off on Del Brown Results

The Angling Company would like to congratulate Captain Rob Fordyce and his angler Tony Nobregas for their decisive victory in the 20112 Del Brown Permit Tournament. Rob and Tony caught a big fish on the first day, a 28 inch fish that put them in the lead. No fish were caught on the second day,…

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Fishing with John Yesterday

July 14, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with John Yesterday

Yestrday I fished with Captain John O’Hearn, eager for a sounder beating from permit. We started at 7:30, and by 8:00 were fishing. We didn’t find any at our first spot, though the tide was slowing down and we were waiting for the next tide cycle anyway. During the slack tide we looked for bonefish,…

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Fishing Monday

July 12, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing Monday

On Monday I fished with Captain Raymond Vasquez. Our plan was to fish for permit and bonefish, theoretically practicing for the upcoming Del Brown. We left the dock at 7:00, an early start to a day that was quite overcast. We began by looking for baby tarpon just outside the marina as we waited for…

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fishing schedule this week

July 8, 2012 Comments Off on fishing schedule this week

Tomorrow I am fishing with Captain Ray Vasquez, and our target species are permit and bonefish. Aaron may join us. Friday I am scheduled to fish again with Captain John O’Hearn (aka O’Heard) for more permit stupidity, then Sunday Aaron and I prefish for the Del Brown. Monday through Wednesday of next week is the…

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In other news…

July 6, 2012 Comments Off on In other news…

The Angling Company would like to congratulate Dotty Ballantyne on her latest accomplishment: she now hold 100 IGFA fly rod world records. Of course, there are some highlights: a 75.5 lb lemon shark on 4 lb tippet, a 21.5 pound cobia on 8 lb, the 2 lb tippet blacktip shark record that she set after…

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