Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing with John and David and PM with Aaron

April 12, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with John and David and PM with Aaron

Monday: The last two days I fished with David Nelson and Captain John O’Hearn. Day One: We began by looking for some early morning rollers, though we didn’t find any. Following that, we left for greener pastures. While our fishing wasn’t great, it was enough to keep us in the area. Fly-tyer extraordinaire David Nelson…

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Some sad news

April 7, 2012 Comments Off on Some sad news

Last night I heard a terrible story that I hoped wasn’t true; late last night it was confirmed that Jose Wejebe, host of “Spanish Fly” on the Outdoor Network and phenomenal angler/guide, died in a plane crash in Everglades City yesterday afternoon. The Angling Company wishes his family strength and grace, and more information will…

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The Last Two Days

April 7, 2012 Comments Off on The Last Two Days

The last two days I fished with Aaron Snell, and was joined by Dave Dalu for the first day. Andy Mill could not make it, so the second day Aaron and I pursued the six solo. Day One: We began at a civilized 8:30, and the clouds were many and unfriendly. After a 30 minute…

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Yesterday with Captain Sandy Horn and David Weeks

April 4, 2012 Comments Off on Yesterday with Captain Sandy Horn and David Weeks

David Weeks invited me along with Captain Sandy Horn for a day of fishing yesterday. We left out of Big Pine. Our morning began with a number of schools of fish, some very large, in a channel. We threw at them for an hour before moving on; during this time I would estimate that we…

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Welcome to April

April 1, 2012 Comments Off on Welcome to April

WElcome to April, where it’s shaping up to be a pheomenal month full of scales and rattling gills. Aaron Snell provided the fllowing photos. Hopefully, this is what we’ll find on Thursday and Friday with Andy. Enjoy. That’s what’s going on. What else is there? ncl

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Report/a photo, catching up

March 31, 2012 Comments Off on Report/a photo, catching up

I must apologize for the lack of reports lately; the shop has been very busy, and I’ve been catching up with a lot of less-than-thrilling things like receiving and re-stocking. That said, I have been fishing though mainly at night. Two nights ago I was invited on a last-minute trip that Alex Powers had put…

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Fishing with Aaron Monday and Tuesday

March 22, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Aaron Monday and Tuesday

Aaron and I fished two days earlier this week and I can tell you honestly that the wind was with teeth. Day One: Our first morning started out in fine fashion. Aaron and I poled an edge for about 20 minutes before I felt Aaron kick the boat around for a shot. We could see…

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Fishing the next two days

March 18, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing the next two days

Tomorrow begins a two-day stint with Aaron, and we are most likely going to look for the 6. Report and photographs to follow as always. I have heard that there are some large creatures in the backcountry still, and we saw a few during the Merkin that would have made the grade. ncl/tac

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March Merkin Results/report

March 17, 2012 Comments Off on March Merkin Results/report

The Angling Company would like to congratulate Captain Scott Collins and Dr. Greg Smith on their victory in the 2012 March Merkin tournament. Scott and Greg caught a fish on day one, and then essentially won the tournament on day 2 when they released three permit. If you don’t have respect for this, something’s wrong.…

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March Mekrin results/our fishing

March 15, 2012 Comments Off on March Mekrin results/our fishing

The last four days will (hopefully) be some of the hardest I’ve seen. I could go on about how tough it was (which would be a long and sad report) or talk about how the fishing was (that I can do briefly: cold, windy, and devoid of permit). I’ll do neither of these things. In…

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Film tour/Merkin

March 10, 2012 Comments Off on Film tour/Merkin

Tomorrow (Sunday, 11 March) the fly fishing film tour comes to Key West once again. It will be held at the Tropic Cinema in Eaton Street, and make sure you get your tickets as it sells out. Following that, Monday night is the captain’s meeting for the March Merkin, at 6 PM at theKey West…

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Some photos, still windy

March 7, 2012 Comments Off on Some photos, still windy

It’s still blowing a kerfluffle out there, but here are some photos from Scott and Julie Bryant to bright brighten your day: film tour is on Sunday, 11 March at 7:30 at the Tropic Theater, on Eaton Street. Regards, Nathaniel/tac

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Cold front/barracuda photos

March 4, 2012 Comments Off on Cold front/barracuda photos

Given that there is a very windy cold front sitting on us at the moment, I was wondering what to write here. Captain Raymond Vasquez had emailed me some photos of a very large barracuda the other day that I had not yet posted, so here they are: Hopefully this cold front will leave before…

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Fishing yesterday

March 3, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Aaron Snell. After I retrieved my forgotten stretcher box (realizing very soon thereafter that my supply of pre-tested 6 lb was running dangerously low) we drove up to Sugarloaf and splashed the boat. Aaron found some fish pretty quickly, though we (I) had a tough time getting the fly where it…

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Fishing with John

February 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with John

Again, order the DVD that has the same name of this fishing report–it’s gorgeous. Guests include Matt Dylan and Tom Waits. Yesterday I fished with captain John O’Hearn in some pretty challenging conditions. John found us about a dozen shots at fish, but more importantly they were all big and in perfect areas for 6…

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For your viewing enjoyment

February 28, 2012 Comments Off on For your viewing enjoyment

It’s been great out there… ncl/tac

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Last two days with Doug Kilpatrick

February 26, 2012 Comments Off on Last two days with Doug Kilpatrick

Friday and Saturday I fished with Captain Doug Kilpatrick. Our goal was the six. Early on day one, we found a large group of fish, some of which seemed easily big enough. I hooked one early, and even though it didn’t jump we got a good enough look at it to call it barely 80…

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Fishing with Captain Justin Rea

February 24, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Captain Justin Rea

Last Wednesday I was invited to fish with Captain Justin Rea. We left Sugarloaf Lodge at 8 AM, and by 8:30 we were looking for tarpon. The water had not warmed up in the morning–however, due to Justin’s ninja skills we were able to feed a small fish out of a traveling string in the…

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Tarpon on the flats

February 20, 2012 Comments Off on Tarpon on the flats

We’ve had another warm snap this year, and if you keep up with these reports you know this isn’t the first mention of large sea creatures in the back country. However, just to prove a point, Aaron provided the following photos last night: Just getting a report now from Aaron, who took Carlo Regina today…

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Fishing yesterday (from a time machine)

February 19, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday (from a time machine)

Yesterday morning I fished for four hours with Aaron Snell. We had some great weather, and decided that it might be a good opportunity for the six. Aaron found fish straight away, and we were in them for the duration. Here is some of what we saw: The fish were laid up and happy, though…

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