Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Current Conditions, fishing yesterday

June 13, 2015 Comments Off on Current Conditions, fishing yesterday

This will be a short report, mostly due to the fact that I had written a longer draft that was deleted and I don’t have time to rewrite it.   On Monday I fished with John and Ted, and we had 8 bites from fish ranging in size from 40-100 pounds, and the next day…

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Fishing Yesterday with Simon and Kathryn

June 8, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday with Simon and Kathryn

Yesterday I fished with Kathryn and Simon Becker. We didn’t have a plan in place to target permit or tarpon specifically, which is a good thing: as it turned out, we would do a bit of both. We started off after a short run looking for tarpon, and it didn’t take long for Simon to…

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Fishing Monday and Tuesday

June 4, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Monday and Tuesday

After our three days last week, John and I were to fish Monday and Tuesday to finish out our pre-Gold Cup time. The weather was sour, and while we found a few fish each day we were unable to make much of our time. Here’s the blow by blow. Day One: After fishing water last…

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The Last Three Days with John

May 31, 2015 Comments Off on The Last Three Days with John

Ending on this Friday past, I fished with Captain John O’Hearn. Our target, in hopeful anticipation of the upcoming Gold Cup, was tarpon. Here’s how it all went down: Day One: We started near Islamorada, and found a spot to scratch something out in. Our fishing started out with a bang, with John getting a…

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Goldenfly results, our fishing

May 23, 2015 Comments Off on Goldenfly results, our fishing

Earlier this week, I fished the Goldenfly tournament in Islamorada with John O’Hearn. We had a good time, though some boat troubles plagued us the first day. I would like to congratulate Andy Mill and Captain Rob Fordyce, who won the event. They gave a great account of themselves and made it happen with a…

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Last Week with Joe Rodriquez and Scott Collins

May 16, 2015 Comments Off on Last Week with Joe Rodriquez and Scott Collins

Last week, in the final throes of preparatory fishing before the Goldenfly, I fished a day with Joe Rodriguez on Monday. My parents were in town for the week, and had five days booked, so on Mother’s day my father and I fished with Joe and my mother and Kat spent the day on the…

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Current Conditions

May 5, 2015 Comments Off on Current Conditions

I haven’t been out fishing much recently, since last I went with John and Ted. I was supposed to join Simon and Kat this Sunday past, but due to a last minute finger smash had to take the day off. Kat did catch a nice fish with Simon in the afternoon, but the weather has…

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Fishing Yesterday with John and Ted

April 30, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday with John and Ted

Yesterday I was invited to join Ted Margo, fishing with John O’Hearn. As John and I have no more days on the books before the Goldenfly, we were looking forward to a day of practice before the event. We started early, which was of little consequence other than to get out a few minutes before…

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Still Catching Up, Getting Current

April 28, 2015 Comments Off on Still Catching Up, Getting Current

We left off with the days with Simon last week, and we’ve added two days in the interim: a day with Drew Delashmit and Howard Davis, and a day yesterday where I fished as a guest of Kat fishing with Jared Raskob. In order, here’s what all happened: Every year I have the pleasure of…

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Fishing with Simon and Kat

April 26, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Simon and Kat

Following the day on the water with Will Benson and Steve Trippe, I had two days booked with Simon Becker. The first day I fished alone, and the second I was joined by Kat. Here’s what all happened on the water. Day One: I met Simon early, for the purpose of getting in to an…

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Last Week with Steve Trippe and Will Benson, Two Days with Simon

April 25, 2015 Comments Off on Last Week with Steve Trippe and Will Benson, Two Days with Simon

Following the two days with Steve Huff, I got in the car and headed home to Key West to fish a day with Steve Trippe and Captain Will Benson. As part of a team, I was looking to contribute to the scorecard that Kat had started the day before. In a tournament in which the score…

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Fishing with Steve

April 22, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve

I realize that the reports haven’t been updated in a while, though it has not been for lack of raw material production. Tarpon season is in full swing, and I’ve been fishing lots. I’ll start the catch up to current with a report of the two days I had last week with Steve Huff, during…

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Upcoming for The Six

April 13, 2015 Comments Off on Upcoming for The Six

Tomorrow I leave for two days of fishing with Steve Huff, again in pursuit of the six.   A report will follow. If you read these reports you know how much time we’ve spent and how much we want to get it done.   One way or another I’ll put up the results.   Nathaniel

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Last Two Days with Chris Robinson

April 8, 2015 Comments Off on Last Two Days with Chris Robinson

Yesterday and the day prior I fished with Captain Chris Robinson. It’s not often that I get to fish with Chris, but we are usually able to make two days happen in the beginning of April. As was the case last year, our fishing was challenging and we had to put in some time to…

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Getting Current/Last Week with John O’Hearn

April 5, 2015 Comments Off on Getting Current/Last Week with John O’Hearn

After the day with Simon, I took the second day off and Kat went fishing by herself. Without getting into the specifics (for that, Kat will have to be convinced to write her own report), I’ll say that she hooked three tarpon and lost a large permit to a broken leader–a tough break on the…

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Fishing Last Week with Simon

April 4, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Simon

After the trip with Doug, I had two days booked with Simon Becker. In light of some additional work required at the shop, Kathryn and I were unable to attend the days together. Instead, the first day I fished with Simon and Kathryn followed up with him the following day. On my day of fishing,…

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Last Week with Doug Kilpatrick and Jason Schratweiser

March 31, 2015 Comments Off on Last Week with Doug Kilpatrick and Jason Schratweiser

Last week, prior to the latest cold front, I fished with Captain Doug Kilaptrick. We were joined by Jason Schratweiser from the IGFA, and our target was tarpon. Day One: We began fishing at the end of a small run, and had some great opportunities to start. A few large schools of fish rolled in some deeper…

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March Merkin 2015 Results, Our Fishing, Prefishing with Pat Bracher

March 22, 2015 Comments Off on March Merkin 2015 Results, Our Fishing, Prefishing with Pat Bracher

It’s been a long week, and there is much to report. The March Merkin tournament ended two days ago, and our fishing was challenging but rewarding. In the end, we won the event–something I am incredibly happy about and have many people to thank for–primarily, John O’Hearn. Before the tournament started, I fished for a…

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Last Two Days with Scott Collins and Kathryn

March 12, 2015 Comments Off on Last Two Days with Scott Collins and Kathryn

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I fished with Captain Scott Collins. We were joined by my wife, and our target was permit. Day One: We started in the morning, and everything but the wind seemed to be in our favor. We set out to find some fish to throw at. At our first stop, we found…

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Fishing the Last Two Days with Drew Delashmit

March 5, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing the Last Two Days with Drew Delashmit

The last two days I fished with Captain Drew Delashmit and Kathryn Linville. With the March Merkin fast approaching, we decided to devote our time solely to permit. Day One: With wind and good visibility, we had a great bunch of conditions for permit fishing. We started at 8 AM, and in the morning found…

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