Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Yesterday morning on 6 lb

February 19, 2012 Comments Off on Yesterday morning on 6 lb

Part two: After our first two fish yesterday on 6 lb, one of which was large enough and neither of which stayed buttoned, Aaron saw two fish sliding high in the water and pushed me over. My line had been oddly coiled up, and I had just attempted to clear it. When I began casting,…

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Everglades with Joe Rodriguez

February 18, 2012 Comments Off on Everglades with Joe Rodriguez

Day one: The water had not yet warmed up after our latest cold snap, so we elected to chase some redfish and drum in the Everglades. Joe put us on fish all day, and Aaron and I had a great time trading shots at drum and catching many redfish. Here are some photos: Day Two:…

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Everglades for the next three days

February 14, 2012 Comments Off on Everglades for the next three days

Tonight we leave for 3 days of fishing with Captain Joe Rodriguez. The water is warm (and warming), and my guess is that the first day will be spent looking for redfish and the next two for our tarpon. A report will follow. ncl/tac

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Current weather, Friday offshore

February 12, 2012 Comments Off on Current weather, Friday offshore

It’s cold, that’s for sure. While this little front is scheduled to leave in the next few days, the sub-60 degree weather is shocking, especially after such a mild (and tarpon filled) winter. On Wednesday I leave for 3 days in the Everglades with Joe Rodriguez in pursuit of the 6, and the high is…

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Charlotte Dalu/next week with Captain Joe Rodriguez

February 9, 2012 Comments Off on Charlotte Dalu/next week with Captain Joe Rodriguez

At lunch today I ran into my good friend (and great angler) Dave Dalu. He later stopped by the shop with his wife Olivia and two children, the oldest of which is pictured below with her first redfish: I leave next Wednesday for three days in the park with Captain Joe Rodriguez in pursuit of…

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Fishing Last Night

February 7, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing Last Night

Last night Aaron and I went off for a tactical tarpon mission–he had seen some fish and we wanted to get after some bigger fish at night, something we hadn’t done in a while. We waited for the rain to clear and headed out. Aaron caught a small fish in short order while we waited…

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Barracuda Bowl results

February 5, 2012 Comments Off on Barracuda Bowl results

After two days of heavy (30 mph!) wind, the fleet returned with the following results. The Angling Company would like to extend our warm congratulations to all the participants, especially those listen below: Cuda Bowl 2012 Results The Second Annual Cuda Bowl was held at Hurricane Hole Bar & Grill in Key West, FL. The…

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Our Fishing During the Cuda Bowl…

February 5, 2012 Comments Off on Our Fishing During the Cuda Bowl…

Aaron and I had a tough two days of fishing, mostly due to the ridiculous amount of wind and cloud cover that typified the two days of tournament fishing. Day one was cast, strip, repeat until your done. All this effort netted (ha! get it?) us one 28 inch fish and two more bites from…

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Cuda Bowl Upcoming, wind on the flats

February 1, 2012 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl Upcoming, wind on the flats

Tomorrow night is the captain’s meeting (and hang-out session) at The Angling Company, 6:30 PM. Anglers and guides are looking forward to two days of chasing large barrracuda on both fly and spin gear. Lately there has been a ton of wind on the flats, and it is slated to die off tomorrow but return…

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Fishing With Steve, Part 1

January 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing With Steve, Part 1

On Sunday night, Aaron and I drove to Everglades City to fish with Captain Steve Huff. After hitting a wayward alligator on 41, we arrived safely at our hotel and inspected the Goose (astro van) for damage. There wasn’t much, and we retired by 11:30 for a 6:30 breakfast meeting. After a great breakfast and…

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Fishing with Steve, Part 2

January 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve, Part 2

Day 2 began with clear skies and warm water, and our fishing showed improvement. We fed a large fish at around 10 AM, and pulled the hook out of it’s mouth on the hook set. Immediately thereafter, we hooked a large fish that stayed connected. We survived the first set of jumps and we fired…

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Fishing With Steve, Part 3

January 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing With Steve, Part 3

Day two ended with some fish that were dipping their tails into the sunlight, and we saw a fish that was very close to the boat that provided a good shot, but I broke the tippet on the hook set. This was the end of day 2, and we returned home for a lovely dinner…

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fishing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

January 21, 2012 Comments Off on fishing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Tomorrow evening we’re making the drive to Everglades City to fish with Captain Steve Huff. I probably don’t need to mention how excited I am (or how difficult it is to sleep), how great the weather looks, or how incredible it is to have the opportunity to fish with Steve. A report, of course, will…

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Fishing yesterday with Fitz

January 20, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday with Fitz

Fitz and I left yesterday at around 2:30 for an afternoon of fishing. When we left the dock clouds covered the sun in every direction; by the time we passed through the channel it was clearing. And in 30 minutes, when we arrived at our destination, there was not a single cloud in the sky.…

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fishing yesterday

January 13, 2012 Comments Off on fishing yesterday

Yesterday I fished with Fitz Coker and Chris Trosset. We intended to look for large cobia and some permit on shallow wrecks west of the Marquesas. As we rounded the southwest corner of the Marquesas, we decided not to run the remaining 25 miles to our destination as the water appeared still quite murky from…

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fishing tomorrow

January 11, 2012 Comments Off on fishing tomorrow

Tomorrow Fitz Coker, Chris Trosset, and myself are going to look for large cobia. The 2, the 4, and the 6 lb records are all beatable with the right fish, and we intend to give any one of them a shot if the opportunity presents itself. Winds are supposed to be nearly nonexistent and Chris…

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Blackfin and schooling baitfish

January 9, 2012 Comments Off on Blackfin and schooling baitfish

Aaron Snell provided these photos of what the cold brought in. Enjoy–I’m trying to fish tomorrow, so I’ll post any results here. Regards, ncl/tac

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January 4, 2012 Comments Off on fish/front

It certainly is cold in Key West (for Key West) though it will end, according to the reports, this weekend. The front rolled through heavy, and Aaron was on hand to capture its arrival: He also captured many little tunny in Key West harbor and provided these photos: That’s it for now, the weather won’t…

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Some Photos of Teeth

January 3, 2012 Comments Off on Some Photos of Teeth

Captain Raymond Vasquez was forthcoming with photo providings once the weather was computer-cold.

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Happy New Year, report from the last few weeks, a cold front cometh

January 2, 2012 Comments Off on Happy New Year, report from the last few weeks, a cold front cometh

For the last few weeks the weather has been phenomenal, though it looks like that may be drawing to a close this afternoon. While the high is supposed to be only 61 (f, !!) tomorrow, we are supposed to see temperatures in the mid 70’s by Friday. All things considered, the last few weeks have…

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