Year: 2017

Cuda Bowl Results/Our Fishing

February 6, 2017 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl Results/Our Fishing

The Cuda Bowl finished up last week, and as usual I fished with John Benvenuto. We were joined by Kat, who I was happy to have on our team (even though we would technically be competing against one another). John and I have had a great run in the tournament over the years, and fishing…

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Fishing with Steve and Chad, finally current

January 31, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Chad, finally current

In the middle of last week I traveled again to Everglades City in pursuit of the 6 with Steve Huff. Chad came along to assist with the last 8 feet if needed, and together we formed a team of children poorly disguised as fisherman. On the Sunday leading up to our scheduled days a wicked…

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Getting Current

January 27, 2017 Comments Off on Getting Current

I’m well aware that since I returned from New Zealand these reports have suffered. In an attempt to start with the ongoing updates, I’m going to give a quick rundown of what’s been going on since New Zealand, then a more in-depth report of fishing with Steve and Chad Huff in the next day or…

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GUEST REPORT, Kathryn Vallilee New Zealand

January 18, 2017 Comments Off on GUEST REPORT, Kathryn Vallilee New Zealand

  Hi party people, it’s me, Kat. Below are some cool photos from our New Zealand trip. With 12 days worth of awesome trout fishing, we figured it’d be best not to go through every detail. I have to mention the guides that made it all possible: Paul McDonald, Derek Nees, and Sean Andrews (From…

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Before New Zealand

January 14, 2017 Comments Off on Before New Zealand

I left off on these reports when I was getting ready to leave for Nez Troutland, and though I intended to finish out the fishing I had done until our departure I was unable to do so. I’ll be brief (probably because of the jet lag). Ian and I took the Monday after our last…

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