Year: 2019

Fishing with John O’Hearn/The Great Windy April

April 21, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn/The Great Windy April

Earlier in the week I had the pleasure of fishing with John O’Hearn on our first scheduled day of fishing since the March Merkin. We’ve shifted gears at this point to tarpon with the upcoming tournaments, and hoped these days would give us a chance to work on our fishing for the giant leaping herring.…

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Fishing with Simon Becker, Ian Slater and Howard Davis

April 12, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing with Simon Becker, Ian Slater and Howard Davis

After the trip with Steve and Ian I spent a day on the water with Simon Becker. Kat’s been having some back issues, and after the first of two days she needed to take a break–I was substituted for Kat and ended up on the water for an unplanned day with Simon Becker. Given the…

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Fishing with Steve Huff and Ian Slater, getting current

April 5, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve Huff and Ian Slater, getting current

After the March Merkin I fished with Ian Slater for a day. We had decent if unremarkable permit fishing, breaking off a fish that reminded me how lucky I was to hang on to the ones that mattered in the tournament. We were further beaten down by some idiot in a center console that approached…

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March Merkin 2019, Results + Our Fishing

March 16, 2019 Comments Off on March Merkin 2019, Results + Our Fishing

It’s Saturday now, and I’ve had a week to recover after fishing a tough March Merkin. Fishing in any tournament is always a grind, though with the March Merkin it seems to always be a click above the norm. The tension of the tournament machine starting up is aggravated by the arrival of guides from…

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Fishing with John O’Hearn, A day with the Boys

March 3, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn, A day with the Boys

After the two guest appearances I was excited about spending some time on the bow alone with John. As much as I love fishing with other people, doing the light line stuff and the like, when I do it a lot I miss spending the whole day on the bow with regular gear and just…

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Continued Catching Up (and fish)

March 2, 2019 Comments Off on Continued Catching Up (and fish)

So continues my quest to get these pages current leading up to the March Merkin, which begins on Tuesday. The weather has been phenomenal, and I’ve lost myself in the fishing more than writing lately. I’m full of days on the water, most of which have ended with a few fish in the boat. I’ve…

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Fishing since the Cuda Bowl

February 28, 2019 Comments Off on Fishing since the Cuda Bowl

After the Cuda Bowl I was ready to spend some time on the bow. I’d spent plenty of time fishing of course on the recent trip to the overseas, though as is currently being proven by some recent itinerant arrivals in our midst trout are a very different creature than what we’re after here. I…

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Cuda Bowl 2019, Results + Fishing

February 11, 2019 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl 2019, Results + Fishing

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of fishing in the Cuda Bowl. Kat and I had traveled to New Zealand with my parents for nearly a month at the beginning of the year, and getting back home to the salt felt as good as I knew it was going to. Speaking of getting back,…

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