Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing at the moment

May 26, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing at the moment

It’s great out there. Lots of fish are everywhere (though, to be fair, they’re not always easy to feed) and we are all happy about it. I’m looking forward to fishing with Dave Dalu again on Tuesday and Wednesday, as well as the day I have solo with Aaron to get into ‘fish-with-Dalu’ shape. Here’s…

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May 25, 2012 Comments Off on wormz

yes….so much worms. Photos here: Fishing is good, and the worms may be over. I’ll be out Monday through Wednesday. regards, ncl

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Fishing last night

May 24, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing last night

Last night I fished with Captain Bryan Holeman and Jesse from Sage. I cut out early from work, and we drove to Sugarloaf, launched the boat, and proceeded to reel many of them in. I would write where we went and for what reason, but I’m sure you already know. By the end of the…

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back from NY, update on the flats

May 22, 2012 Comments Off on back from NY, update on the flats

While I was in New York, the fishing went on without me (I know….so sad). I talked with Fitz, and his experience on Friday seems like a lot of people’s: many shots at lots of fish, but very tough to feed. Lenny reports that his angler John Buxton hooked a few, and other than that…

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Fishing this morning with Raymond

May 16, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing this morning with Raymond

This morning I fished with Captain Ray Vasquez. We left early and arrived early at the spot; by 6:30 we were fishing. Ray was up first, and we were in fish from the beginning. He had a few shots before one appeared to eat the fly; through no fault of his own (the fish may…

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Fishing yesterday, a great battle

May 15, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday, a great battle

Yesterday I fished with Aaron Snell, and we were in full pursuit of the 6. The problem, this time of year, is that most of the fish come in sizes too small and places too deep for success. As such, we made a major concession when we decided to look for a large fish in…

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Some photos of the last few days, fishing tomorrow

May 13, 2012 Comments Off on Some photos of the last few days, fishing tomorrow

Here are some photos of my day last week with Jim Vincent and Lenny Leonard: Additionally, I fished two nights ago with Lenny Leonard. We left the dock at 8:15, and as the tide died we had fish around the boat but couldn’t get one to bite. After a few hours we finally hooked a…

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So much pons

May 9, 2012 Comments Off on So much pons

It’s good out there. Also good to be at work, but I mean really. Come on, you’d rather be out there too. Aaron Snell emailed me these photos to prove it: Enjoy; I hope you’re out there. Regards, ncl

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Fishing this morning

May 8, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing this morning

This morning Fitz and I had planned pre-work jaunt. What it turned into was nothing short of a full 8-hour day on the water, and we had a great time. We started early, in hopes of arriving at our spot just in time for sunrise. However, our attempted acquisition of pinfish (for snapper capture after…

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Fishing Yesterday, update

May 7, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday, update

Yesterday I was invited to fish with Jim Vincent for a day with Captain Lenny Leonard. We left at 8 AM, and returned to a few of the locations they had found fish the day before. Our first spot gave us no indication of the fish that had been present, until about an hour in…

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Great weather, trying to get out tomorrow

May 5, 2012 Comments Off on Great weather, trying to get out tomorrow

Last night I had dinner with Jim Vincent (of Rio Products fame) and his wife, Kitty. During dinner we were discussing how difficult the weather has been, and as we watched the sun drop out it looked as though the wind would stay up. I woke up this morning, however, to one of the calmest,…

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A Great Hunter

May 5, 2012 Comments Off on A Great Hunter

A good fried sent me this video, and I thought I’d share it. Watch the ultimate excitement at 1:20.

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Weather Improvement

May 4, 2012 Comments Off on Weather Improvement

After the difficult day with Joe, it looks like the weather is finally going to improve. Everyone is looking forward to some better conditions, except the tarpon, who will be captured. Regards, ncl

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First report for May

May 3, 2012 Comments Off on First report for May

I was scheduled to fish in Islamorada with Captain Joe Rodriguez on the 1 and 2; as it happened, we only fished the second day (yesterday). I drove up to Islamorada in the teeth of a great a many rainshowers, and was there by 10 AM. We left directly, and it was immediately apparent that…

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Fishing yesterday

April 29, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday

I was scheduled to fish yesterday with my good friend Michael Hetzel and Captain Robert Monroe, but the weather seemed pretty dicey (wind, clouds) and we called off fishing from a boat. No matter; Michael and I quickly decided to give the DIY train a ride and drove up to Bahia Honda State Park with…

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Fishing with Chris Trosset/looking for sailfish PM tarpon

April 28, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Chris Trosset/looking for sailfish PM tarpon

After I returned from the day on the water with Howard and Drew, Captain Chris Trosset called me. He had seen some down-sea tailing sailfish that afternoon and had a few shots with his fly rod; would I be interested in joining him to see if we could catch one tomorrow? Obviously, the next day…

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Fishing with Howard and Drew

April 27, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing with Howard and Drew

On Wednesday I fished with Captain Drew Delashmit and Howard Davis. We left at 8:00, and after a short run ended up on the ocean. I was up first, and in about an hour we had a shot. Another hour, another shot. Then began a trickle of fish: a school that turned around, another string,…

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Current weather, fishing Wednesday

April 23, 2012 Comments Off on Current weather, fishing Wednesday

Over the weekend it was rainy. We have some colder weather moving through the Keys at the moment, and tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the low 70’s with the overnight temps getting down into the mid-60’s (f). This means that the fishing will change; I’ll know more on Wednesday when I fish…

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Offshore report

April 21, 2012 Comments Off on Offshore report

The weather rolled in heavy this morning, and I have not talked to anyone that was brave enough to get out there. In lieu of an inshore report, here are some photos of a recent trip to the shrimp boats with Captain Aaron Snell: The weather looks pretty terrible for the next day or so,…

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Fishing yesterday, etc.

April 18, 2012 Comments Off on Fishing yesterday, etc.

So it’s been a few days, shop has been busy and I have been doing less fishing than in weeks prior. The timing of my slight hiatus, however, was actually quite fortuitous. The wind arrived last week after my trip with Aaron on Thursday night, and only began to let up yesterday, when I was…

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