Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Shark fishing in the wind

March 3, 2011 Comments Off on Shark fishing in the wind

This morning we left the dock at 8 AM. With the wind forecasted to build throughout the day, we figured our best bet would be to get out there as early as possible (provided, of course, there was light to see) and get back when the wind became to heavy. With a well full of…

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Tarpon at night

March 2, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon at night

I just got off the water from an evening peek around for tarpon with Aaron Snell, Ben Austin, and Crosby Beane. We spent a few hours chasing a school of fish that were in deep water, seeing them only on the sounder. I did manage to catch a nice grouper on a spinning rod while…

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more tarpon

March 1, 2011 Comments Off on more tarpon

Apparently the tarpon fishing turned on heavily today, with an influx of “new” fish that were more cooperative. The next few days are forecasted to be windy, with a few degrees off thedaily highs we’ve been seeing. That said, it doesn’t look as though the fishing will suffer too much–the water is warm and should…

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Tarpon Fishing with Fitz Coker and Doug Kilpatrick

February 28, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon Fishing with Fitz Coker and Doug Kilpatrick

Today I had the pleasure of fishing with Fitz Coker and Captain Doug Kilpatrick. While we had intended to get some good shots of leaping tarpon for this fishing report, we forgot the camera. Instead, I can offer you a picture of an alligator gar sent to us by Captain Jacob Shemper as well as…

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Hardy testing/tarpon fishing

February 27, 2011 Comments Off on Hardy testing/tarpon fishing

The Hardy crew was in today, and I had the chance to look at the new Fortuna reels (contrary to popular belief, these reels are not only for tuna fishing….) Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to fish the new 1-piece Sintrix Proaxis rods for tarpon with Doug Kilpatrick and Fitz Coker. Additionally, I begged…

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Antti Pirinen, John Ain, tarpon fishing with Aaron Snell

February 26, 2011 Comments Off on Antti Pirinen, John Ain, tarpon fishing with Aaron Snell

Three things worth mentioning, in no particular order: Last night, tarpon fishing with Aaron was good but not amazing. We jumped a few tarpon in the early evening and found some fish later, but were unable to get tacked to a fish and do some pulling. No capture, yet there were fish around and it…

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February 25, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon

I’m on my way to go night fishing for tarpon with Aaron Snell. Busy day and a casting lesson, more to follow tomorrow. Fishing is amazing. Best, NCL/TAC

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Flats conditions

February 24, 2011 Comments Off on Flats conditions

At the risk of sounding repetitive, the flats fishing continues to be amazing. Tarpon, bonefish, and permit are here en masse along with plenty of jacks, sharks, and barracuda. Last night before bed I walked down to a few local piers, and hooked about a dozen small tarpon before I went home and slept soundly.…

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More fishing

February 23, 2011 Comments Off on More fishing

The fishing is still amazing, and reports have been filtering in all day of anglers seeing (and hooking, unlike I was able to do yesterday) permit and bonefish on the flats. In fact, I would argue that the glut of permit fishing has overshadowed the amazing bonefish fishing, which we saw some of yesterday. The…

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Permit fishing report, condition update

February 22, 2011 Comments Off on Permit fishing report, condition update

With no end of great weather in sight and water temperatures in the mid 70’s (f), I headed to the Marquesas todayt with John Ain and Captain Mike Morgan. We began fishing to a fair number of floating permit, suspended in the glare with only the tips of their fins showing. For some reason I…

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Flats and permit/fly tying materials

February 21, 2011 Comments Off on Flats and permit/fly tying materials

The water has been warming for the last week and a half, and we are still waiting for the next few degrees to push things over the top. Not that the fishing isn’t amazing, it’s just that we’re missing the few degrees needed to transcend the ordinary and make the fishing extra(forgive me)ordinary. What’s prevented…

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night fishing report/conditions on the flats

February 20, 2011 Comments Off on night fishing report/conditions on the flats

so last night wasn’t the amazing tarpon bonanza I’d anticipated, though we did see a few fish. Alex Powers had a tarpon blow up on a surface fly while swinging it in the current in a Gulf-side channel mouth and that was the extent of our ohysical interaction with the poon. That said, the conditions…

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Tarpon (and other stuff too)

February 19, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon (and other stuff too)

Yes, it’s true. Fly anglers in the lower Keys are casting to, hooking, and reeling in tarpon. While this is not intended to draw attention away from the permit and bonefish fishing that is also here and amazing, it’s just nice that we are catching tarpon in February. Welcome back while the weather lasts, buddies!…

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How to fly cast/flats fishing

February 18, 2011 Comments Off on How to fly cast/flats fishing

So this picture was on the back of a fly box, brought in for us to rig by a client. If only life were so simple…. Conditions on the flats are getting better every day, and there are plenty of tarpon, permit and bonefish swimming around. Reports are filtering in of all of the above…

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Warming on the flats

February 17, 2011 Comments Off on Warming on the flats

The water continues to warm, and the fishing is approaching incredible. While today is good, tomorrow and the next five to seven days are looking towards transcendental. On tuesday I’ll have a report from a day of fishing with John Ain, which will most likely include some permit interaction. I have a picture to share…

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Conditions on the flats

February 16, 2011 Comments Off on Conditions on the flats

The water temperatures rose a few degrees today, and the air temperatures are supposed to be in the high 70’s with an light east wind for the next week or so. As you by now probably know, this bodes extremely well for tarpon, permit, and bonefish capture on the fly pole. Reports today are of…

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Flats Fishing

February 15, 2011 Comments Off on Flats Fishing

Water temperatures are in the low ’60s (f) in the Lakes Passage–it seems as though we lost at least a few critical degrees in the preceding few days. This means that life might be difficult to find, but if the water temperatures are in the low ’60s in the Lakes then they should be about…

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fishing and weather

February 14, 2011 Comments Off on fishing and weather

So we are having some great weather in the Keys! We haven’t yet got back to the pre-cuda bowl weekend water temps, but the permit are on the flats en masse and giving anglers plenty of shots. Early morning is giving people shots at tarpon, and bonefish are being caught on the reg. (eastbound and…

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large cuda, weather update

February 12, 2011 Comments Off on large cuda, weather update

First, a weather update: today the temperatures are in the mid 60’s, and tomorrow is supposed to clear up and be about 10 degrees (f) warmer. The best days for the coming week are looking like Wednesday through Friday, when the water will have had a chance to warm up again and the sun is…

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Jack Ehrhardt Redfish/Skok’s Diablo Crab

February 11, 2011 Comments Off on Jack Ehrhardt Redfish/Skok’s Diablo Crab

This report was sent to us by Jack Ehrhardt, a talented young angler who visits us when he’s down. Last time he was in, he bough a few Diablo Crabs….read on: I’m Jack Ehrhardt and I live up in Orlando. I come down to Key West a few times a year with my dad (we…

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