Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick

April 30, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Doug Kilpatrick

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I fished with Doug Kilpatrick. The plan was for Jason Schratwieser to join us, but this was foiled by an onset of the office flu that Jason had picked up at IGFA HQ. He politely declined to introduce the virus into the middle of tarpon season in the lower Keys, and…

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Current Conditions, Last Week with Simon Becker and Marshall Cutchin

April 24, 2016 Comments Off on Current Conditions, Last Week with Simon Becker and Marshall Cutchin

I’ve been slacking on these reports slightly, which is nothing surprising during this busy time of year. I’ll catch up to the present with this post and have a fair amount to report after next week. Frankie will be in town fishing with Ted Margo and John O’Hearn, my parents will be fishing with Aaron…

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Fishing with Steve and Jason

April 20, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Jason

At the beginning of last week, after attending Ralph Delph’s memorial service, Steve Huff and I drove north to Everglades City for another crack at the six. Jason Schratwieser completed the team at 6:04 the next morning at the Island Cafe, and we headed to the ramp to splash the boat after breakfast. Last April…

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Fishing with Howard and Sandy Horn

April 7, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Howard and Sandy Horn

On Tuesday, I was invited by Howard Davis to fish with Captain Sandy Horn. Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a skiff with Howard, and it has been too long since I fished with Sandy. Based on this, I was very excited for our day on the water–even though the weather wasn’t…

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Fishing last week with John O’Hearn and David Mangum and David Kolhage

April 6, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing last week with John O’Hearn and David Mangum and David Kolhage

After fishing with Simon and Kat, I had two days set up with John O’Hearn. On the first we were joined by David Mangum and on the second David Kolhage came with us. Each day ,still feeling the burn of not being able to catch any in the March Merkin we focused on permit fishing.…

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Last Week with Simon

April 4, 2016 Comments Off on Last Week with Simon

Last week I fished with Simon Becker for two days. On the first I was alone, and on the second I was joined by Kathryn Vallilee. The first day was a fun opportunity to try to exorcise some demons from the March Merkin, in which I had been unable to catch a permit in three…

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Fishing with RT and Tim Vallilee

March 25, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with RT and Tim Vallilee

After the Merkin ended, I went out for a day offshore with RT as the guest of Tim Vallilee. Our target wasn’t anything specific, though there was a general plan to look for a cobia–something Tim has been chasing after for a while. Joining us on the trip was John Vallilee and his girlfriend Ashley,…

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March Merkin 2016 Report

March 23, 2016 Comments Off on March Merkin 2016 Report

Over the last week, I fished in the March Merkin, once again with John O’Hearn. Our fishing started Monday morning, with hopes of finding some fish to throw at and get into the right head space for the tournament. Our fishing was decent, though the fish weren’t in as good a mood as we’d hoped.…

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Fishing Tuesday with John

March 10, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Tuesday with John

On Tuesday I fished with John O’Hearn. In the week leading up to the March Merkin, it was the only day we had on the books. With the wind blowing near 30, we left the barracuda rods at home for a grind at permit. We started in places familiar to us, and found mostly wind instead…

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Current Conditions, Finally Caught Up

March 6, 2016 Comments Off on Current Conditions, Finally Caught Up

I know I’ve been delayed in these reports for a while, but with this report I’ll be current. The fishing had been spotty–at times great, but always hindered by some combination of wind, chill, and clouds. We remained right on the edge of things getting great, but at the moment things are working themselves out. The…

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Fishing with Steve and Jason

March 3, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Jason

In the beginning of last week, I fished with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser. Our target was, once again, the 6 lb tippet tarpon record. For most of the readership, there isn’t much of a point in recounting how much time and energy (and pain, and hard work, and failure) we have invested in this…

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Fishing with Doug/Permit Fishing on the Light Line/Current Conditions

February 27, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Doug/Permit Fishing on the Light Line/Current Conditions

I am still behind on these reports, so I’m trying to catch up as best I can. Given that these are fishing reports that have morphed into a blog of sorts (at the expense of an update of current conditions on the flats) I thought it might be prudent to provide an update of the…

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The Cuda Bowl 2016 report

February 20, 2016 Comments Off on The Cuda Bowl 2016 report

After the week full of wolf hunting that I left off with on the last post, the tournament proper began on Thursday. The actual competition wasn’t supposed to begin until the following day, so Thursday was for us a prefish day to find what we needed and make the most of an opportunity to scout.…

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Prefishing for the Cuda Bowl

February 18, 2016 Comments Off on Prefishing for the Cuda Bowl

Let me begin this post by apologizing for the lack of fishing reports of late. We’ve been updating computers and software in the shop, which for me (someone who can barely do much of anything computer related without becoming combative) has been tough. We’re about through sorting through the issues, and since I’m (barely) now…

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A Post Without a Reason

January 25, 2016 Comments Off on A Post Without a Reason

Given that the weather has been windy and cold, the fishing has suffered lately. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot that can be done except wait it out. The weather will turn, and when it does I’m sure that we’ll be lying in wait. Frankie gets here on Wednesday, and while I was scheduled to…

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Fishing Yesterday with Ian Slater

January 10, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday with Ian Slater

Night before last, I arrived at home and decided that somewhere the permit had to be tailing. I’m lucky enough to have a large number of people I can call that wouldn’t be totally put off by my need to observe (let alone discuss) this fact, but I figured that Ian Slater would be someone…

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Offshore Report, RT and Tim Vallilee

December 31, 2015 Comments Off on Offshore Report, RT and Tim Vallilee

Yesterday I fished with RT as the guest of my father in law, Tim Vallilee. We also brought along John Vallilee, Kat’s brother. Also on board (and receiving by unanimous decision the Hardest Worker Award for the day) was Patrick, RT’s mate. Over the last few years, I’ve had some tough luck on the offshore front.…

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Fishing With Zack Stells

December 27, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing With Zack Stells

I was thinking about the fishing reports the other day, and realized that I had neglected to include a day with Zack Stells a few weeks ago. After returning from the Everglades and getting everything sorted out in the work/sanity/pre-Christmas department was able to get on the water with Zack for a day. When I…

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Fishing Last Week with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser

December 20, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser

Last week I traveled to the Everglades to fish once again with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser. We were again in pursuit of the six pound tarpon record, and again we had some fair weather in which to get it done. Day One: We started at 6 with breakfast as usual, and headed out in…

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Fishing with Greg Kelly and Mike Pollack/John O’Hearn and Drew Delashmit

December 5, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Greg Kelly and Mike Pollack/John O’Hearn and Drew Delashmit

Earlier this week, I fished for a day as the guest of Greg Kelly and Michael Pollack. Greg and I have become permit buddies over the last few months, and after talking about the life cycle of a crab through long text message exchanges and over dinner it was high time to get out and…

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