Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Finally, a photo of an amberjack

June 10, 2011 Comments Off on Finally, a photo of an amberjack

Well, for those of you who have been following this report for a while, I finally got a few of the photos from Captain Chris Trosset of my trip West with Michael Hetzel, and as it turns out there were not as many great shots as I had imagined. Only one, in fact, that is…

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Fishing in the wind

June 8, 2011 Comments Off on Fishing in the wind

It’s hard to fish in the wind. Coupled with a lot of cloud cover and a slower-than-average June push, fishing is straight up difficult. That said, the anglers (and, perhaps more importantly, the guides) that are putting in the time out there are drying a few off each day. Slow but sure wins the race.…

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Update on the six

June 6, 2011 Comments Off on Update on the six

So it’s 11:14 PM, and I am just about to get to bed for another day on the water tomorrow. Our fishing today was defined by tough wind (though not as bad as the last few weeks, and slated to drop even more tomorrow) as well as cloud cover; both, it seemed, conspired to prevent…

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Another photo from Michael’s trip with Lenny

June 6, 2011 Comments Off on Another photo from Michael’s trip with Lenny

One more, I couldn’t resist adding. Nice work, Team TAC! Photo courtesy Captain Lenny Leonard

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Some photographs

June 6, 2011 Comments Off on Some photographs

It’s raining here, and the fishing has been difficult for those brave enough to sight fish with no visibility. Today’s (and, from what it looks like, the next few days’) weather notwithstanding, the fishing is great. Typical of July there are a fair number of smaller tarpon around, and bonefish and permit abound. Captain Lenny…

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tarpon. Wind.

June 4, 2011 Comments Off on tarpon. Wind.

It seems that the tarpon are still hard to come by, but the wind is what’s really making life tough out there. I’ve been hearing reports all week of only a few shots; this is not a terrible thing when they’re on the chew, but an added 20 MPH of breeze can make the difference…

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Some tarpon photos

June 1, 2011 Comments Off on Some tarpon photos

I’m busy and I just got these in from Aaron, so instead of a report here are some photographs for your viewing pleasure. All photographs courtesy Captain Aaron Snell Here’s what Aaron had to say: South Carolina boys Telfair Parker, Jonathan Anderson, Peter Brown and Grey Holmes on their annual tarpon trip were welcomed with…

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Tarpon fishing

May 30, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon fishing

We are starting to see the beginnings of our second push of fish on the ocean, which is great considering it felt like we were waiting a bit too long. For the tarpon we are all happily awaiting more. Remember the Smitty and Al’s Tarpon Bonanza party this Thursday 3 June at 6:30 PM at…

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Bonefish and permit

May 28, 2011 Comments Off on Bonefish and permit

Odd to be writing a report about how great the bonefish and permit fishing is at the end of May, but the combination of a pause in the tarpon migration and the higher-than-normal water temperatures means that more anglers and guides are going shallow. Additionally, it looks as though there is a great number of…

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Waiting for another push/Thomas graduation

May 27, 2011 Comments Off on Waiting for another push/Thomas graduation

The tarpon remain spread out in the lower Keys, with many anglers and guides eagerly awaiting the next push of fish. The result is, often, a day spent chasing bonefish or permit–a rather nice change for those of us who have been mutating ourselves on tarpon for the last few months. Congratulations to Thomas Rapone…

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The six (no success…but lots of trying)

May 26, 2011 Comments Off on The six (no success…but lots of trying)

The last three days I fished with Captain Doug Kilpatrick for the 3 kg (6 lb) tippet tarpon record. Currently, this record stands at 82 pounds, 8 ounces, and was caught by Stu Apte in 1977. Over the three days we hooked 7 fish. They ranged in size from around 90 pounds to 130; every…

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last two nights

May 21, 2011 Comments Off on last two nights

well, it happened. I couldn’t go last night, but the worms were out. I passed on an evening with Aaron Snell in favor of a prior commitment, and from what I hear it took off. Starting 3 days with Doug Kilpatrick tomorrow, and I’m hoping the fish go back to normal after their worm-a-thon. Best,…

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fishing with John

May 20, 2011 Comments Off on fishing with John

The name of this fishing report reminds me of a DVD by the same name that is probably the best fishing show ever. Guests include Tom Waits, who does a great job ice fishing. Anyway, if you haven’t already seen it look for some clips on YouTube before committing: it’s humor misses the mark with…

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more tarpon

May 16, 2011 Comments Off on more tarpon

Yesterday I was generously invited to join a friend of mine for a day fishing with Captain Doug Kilptarick. The fish were hard to find due to the cloud cover, but we managed to eke out a bite from a smaller fish to prevent pulling a blank. We found a pair of bonefish and had…

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Fishing in May

May 14, 2011 Comments Off on Fishing in May

Shark fishing with Fitz was great fun, though the blacktips refused to cooperate. This is tarpon season, however, so it may indeed serve us right to have had the difficulty we did chasing the teeth. We did hook one fish on 3 kg, though broke it off soon after hooking up when the reel handle…

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fishing yesterday

May 11, 2011 Comments Off on fishing yesterday

Yesterday was a great day on the water, though capture eluded us. We began west, and threw at a number of disinterested fish. Following that, we looked for a more willing partcipant in a bonefish; though we saw a few, we didn’t get a shot. Farther east we had a great shot at a group…

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Tarpon, Sush

May 9, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon, Sush

Over the weekend, Atsushi “Sush” Katagiri visited from Shimano Corp. After a few lessons and an evening spent trying to catch a few small fish in the lights, he spent a few nights fishing with Captain Aaron Snell. Check out what he got done: Nice work, Sush! In daytime fishing, the wind has been calm…

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More tarpon, once again

May 8, 2011 Comments Off on More tarpon, once again

So the tarpon fishing is still going on, and the fish are here. The calm weather, however, can make the approach difficult at times. Most importantly, however, congratulations are due to Max Willard, who landed his first tarpon on fly last night. When Scott and Max come by I will try to get some photographs…

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Wind is over

May 6, 2011 Comments Off on Wind is over

For the last few days, the wind has been 8-12 mph, a distinct change from the days earlier in the week that made for less than thrilling fishing on Sunday and Monday. Fish are still arriving, though it seems we may be in between large pushes. Of course, this may change (or have changed) today,…

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Tarpon fishing the last three days

May 4, 2011 Comments Off on Tarpon fishing the last three days

On Saturday we left the dock by 9 AM and had hooked a fish by 9:45. Light wind, clear sky; fishing in pretty limited areas (due to our plan of catching the 6 lb record) we had hooked four fish before 3 PM. Actually, it is worth noting that one of these four fish, the…

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