Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Current Conditions/Last Week with John

March 1, 2015 Comments Off on Current Conditions/Last Week with John

While I write this, I’m wishing I was fishing. The weather has turned around after a brief drop in temperature yesterday, and the fishing seems to be good (though windy). I’ll know more about what I missed today when I fish with Drew Delashmit and Kat on Tuesday and Wednesday. Earlier in the week, after…

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Fishing Early in the Week With Doug and Jesse

February 26, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Early in the Week With Doug and Jesse

Last Sunday, I fished with Doug Kilpatrick. We were joined by Jesse Robbins, a friend of mine from Sage. I had fished with Jesse years ago for a brief afternoon of tarpon fishing, and with this trip I was hoping for some opportunities for him to see more of what the Keys have to offer.…

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Fishing Earlier with John, Current Report

February 13, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Earlier with John, Current Report

After the loss of The Giant with Steve, I recuperated for a few days and headed out on Monday and Tuesday with John O’Hearn. Our plan in booking these days originally was to target permit in preparation for the March Merkin. The weather, however, had other plans and we were left to continue the tail-end…

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Fishing with Steve Last Week

February 11, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve Last Week

Last week, I fished for three days with Captain Steve Huff. If you read these reports, you’re familiar with our trips over the last few years. In five years of fishing together (I can’t believe it’s been that long), we have hooked fish nearly every day that would have been the 6 lb record. Some…

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Cuda Bowl Report

February 7, 2015 Comments Off on Cuda Bowl Report

The first of my catch-up reports (only some of them that include catching) starts with the Cuda Bowl. Once again, I was fishing with Captain John Benvenuto, and we were defending our victory last year. Here’s how it went down: Day One (Prefish Day): We started early in the morning. With 32 boats in the…

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The Cuda Bowl Upcoming

January 25, 2015 Comments Off on The Cuda Bowl Upcoming

Here at the shop we are preparing for the captain’s meeting for the Cuda Bowl. At 6:30 on Thursday there will be beer, refreshments and food for all participants here at the Angling Company. The tournament will follow the next two days, with awards and refreshments on Saturday 31 January at 5:30 PM at Hurricane Hole. We…

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The Last Two Days with John O’Hearn

January 22, 2015 Comments Off on The Last Two Days with John O’Hearn

    The last two days, I fished with John O’Hearn. The first day, we were joined by Captain John Benvenuto, the second half of our Cuda Bowl team. With overcast conditions and light wind, we were left with not much to do besides cover water in hopes of catching a few on blind casts.…

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Yesterday on the Water in Pursuit of Sharks

January 19, 2015 Comments Off on Yesterday on the Water in Pursuit of Sharks

Yesterday, I fished with Fitz Coker and Kathryn. With an approaching front, our hopes was to get the best we could out of the deteriorating conditions. For us, this meant that the local blacktip shark population would receive our attention, and we staked off in some great current and deployed a few fresh jacks to…

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Tomorrow with Fitz and Kathryn

January 17, 2015 Comments Off on Tomorrow with Fitz and Kathryn

As an addition to the upcoming fishing I have this week with John O’Hearn, Kat and I are going to find the time tomorrow to fish for blacktip sharks with Fitz. A report will follow, and I’m looking forward to getting back onto the water after a dry spell. N

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Fishing Yesterday with Simon Becker

January 15, 2015 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday with Simon Becker

Yesterday I fished with Simon Becker, and we were joined by Kathryn. Our intention was to fish for barracuda and permit if an opportunity presented itself, and that’s pretty much how it worked out. We started a half hour from Key West, and when Simon shut off the motor and I set about doing some…

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Current Conditions, Earlier this Week, Upcoming

January 9, 2015 Comments Off on Current Conditions, Earlier this Week, Upcoming

Happy 2015! After the new years, I took about a week off to spend some time in the shop. We are in the process of receiving all the new goodies for the upcoming season, and with this comes a lot of work. That said we are almost through it, and I’m ready to start committing…

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Merry Christmas, Fishing Two Days Ago

December 25, 2014 Comments Off on Merry Christmas, Fishing Two Days Ago

Merry Christmas! Now that’s out of the way, I can get on to more important things. Primarily, fishing–which (until a small cold front rolled through yesterday) has been fantastic. Two days ago I went out for a morning seek with John O’Hearn and John Benvenuto. John B. and I had planned to permit fish around…

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Fishing with Steve Huff last week, joined by John O’Hearn

December 18, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve Huff last week, joined by John O’Hearn

Last week I again went to the Everglades with Steve Huff, in pursuit of the six. We had been up there only two weeks prior, and the weather had been increasingly unkind. This latest trip brought us a similar forecast: the fishing would be decent the first day and getting worse from there. Jason Schratwieser…

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Fishing with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser Last Week, Happy Thanksgiving

November 27, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve Huff and Jason Schratwieser Last Week, Happy Thanksgiving

Well, it’s Thanksgiving. After this report, I’ll be back up to date, and I’m looking forward to keeping up with these pages more consistently in the coming year. I’ve got lots coming up: the Cuda Bowl, the March Merkin, the Goldenfly, the Gold Cup, the Poor Boys, the Del Brown, and more days planned with…

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Bahamas with Fitz

November 26, 2014 Comments Off on Bahamas with Fitz

I’m still playing catch up here. Here’s how the fishing went down in the Bahamas with Fitz Coker at the beginning of this month. After arriving in Key West from a trip to NY and PA, I quickly reversed directions and drove up to Lauderdale to meet Fitz at the airport. We had five days…

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Belize 2015, Part 2

November 9, 2014 Comments Off on Belize 2015, Part 2

In the ongoing effort to catch up with these pages, here’s the second installment in the Belize 2015 report. I left off with the tough loss of a tailing permit on the end of day three, our last in Placencia. The following morning we took off to run down the Punta Gorda. Day Four: We…

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Belize 2015, Part One

November 6, 2014 Comments Off on Belize 2015, Part One

At the beginning of October, I again went to Belize. This is the second time I have taken this trip in as many years, and after last year’s slam-fest with Michael Hetzel I was looking forward to more of the same. Joining me was Kathryn Vallilee, and we fished with my friend and great guide…

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Back into the real world…

November 5, 2014 Comments Off on Back into the real world…

I’m sorry that it’s been such a long time since I uploaded anything to the fishing reports. A lot has been happening: a five day trip to Belize, a trip to NY, a trip to the Bahamas, an upcoming wedding (my own) at the end of this month. It seems like I used the fall…

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The other day / this morning / upcoming

October 3, 2014 Comments Off on The other day / this morning / upcoming

A few days ago I went out with Aaron Snell for a few hours. I poled Aaron to a great couple permit shots, though the fish didn’t want to take part. In four hours of fishing I would say we had maybe a dozen and a half good shots at the tails before we called…

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Fishing last few days

September 26, 2014 Comments Off on Fishing last few days

Yesterday, and two days prior, I was invited by Ted Margo to fish with John O’Hearn. Our target was primarily permit, though we looked for bonefish at the beginning of the first day. Here’s how it all went down. Day One (Tuesday, 23 September) We left in conditions that could be easily described as sub-optimal,…

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