Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Fishing with John O’Hearn Last Week/Two Days with Ian

September 12, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with John O’Hearn Last Week/Two Days with Ian

Last week, after I returned from my tree diving adventure with Steve, I had a couple days booked with John O’Hearn. Our target was permit, though the same weather system that had plagued us in the Everglades continued to shed its lack of light on the lower Keys. John and I went out anyway, and…

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Fishing with Steve last Week

September 8, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve last Week

In an effort to keep things saltwater-centric (and to retain a prayer of getting caught up on these reports before I leave for Belize), I’m going to gloss over the trip to Montana that Kat and I took the third week in August. We visited Fitz and Dotty, and caught some trout. We also carp…

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Fishing Last Week with Ian Slater

August 21, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with Ian Slater

After the two days with Simon, Kat and I divided up the two fishing days that Ian had set aside for Dave. The fishing the day before had been slow for Ian and Kat, who had decided to throw six pound in hopes of connecting with the women’s record. I was up for the second…

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Fishing with Simon Earlier in the Week

August 20, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Simon Earlier in the Week

  Dave Skok encountered some flight issues on his way down for our planned fishing, and ultimately sadness prevailed: Dave was unable to come down. As we had two days of fishing with Simon and two with Ian planned, the fishing went on in his absence. I fished alone with Simon, and Kat and I…

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Fishing with Ian Last Week

August 13, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Last Week

After taking a few days off from the epic trip with Chad and Co. I headed out for an evening look-see with Ian Slater. He was working at the shop until 6, but with sunset happening late this time of year we decided that it would be worth it to take a pair of evening…

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Fishing with Chad and John and Ian

August 11, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Chad and John and Ian

Early last week, Chad Huff came to town. We had talked back in the fall when we were fishing with Steve for the six about Chad coming to Key West and taking a stab at his first permit on fly, and I had Tuesday and Wednesday booked with John. Ian Slater added a day at…

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Fishing with Zack Stells, Current Conditions

July 30, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Zack Stells, Current Conditions

Earlier in the week I was able to get on the water for a day with Captain Zack Stells for some fishing. The last time I fished with Zack we hooked a permit at the end of the day that was foiled by a barracuda taking a bite of a blood knot, and we’ve talked…

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Fishing on Monday with Jared Cyr

July 21, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing on Monday with Jared Cyr

On Monday I fished with Jared Cyr for a half day. We had been talking about getting out on the water in pursuit of permit for a while, and it was good to finally make good on all the talk we’d been talking. The day before Jared had experienced great fishing, though the light had…

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Del Brown 2016

July 17, 2016 Comments Off on Del Brown 2016

Earlier in the week, John O’Hearn and I fished in the Del Brown. During the Poor Boys I had been hearing reports from John and others that the permit fishing was astoundingly good, and I hoped this would continue through the tournament. John and I were slated to fish on Saturday as a prefish day–the…

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Fishing with Ian Last Week/ Poor Boys Results and Report

July 8, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Last Week/ Poor Boys Results and Report

Last week, after recovering from the Gold Cup and catching up on some much needed sleep, I fished with Ian Slater for a half a day to attempt getting in to permit shape before the Del Brown. The fishing was slow (though not as slow as a 9 weight rod felt after tarpon season), and…

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Gold Cup Proper Report

July 7, 2016 Comments Off on Gold Cup Proper Report

After a longer than intended wait, here’s a full report of our fishing in the Gold Cup. I hope to upload the reports from a day with Ian permit fishing and the Poor Boys, which ended yesterday, tomorrow. The Del Brown starts on Sunday, so I’ll have that report up when I can at the…

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Gold Cup Results

June 27, 2016 Comments Off on Gold Cup Results

There is a longer report due for my fishing with John, though I wanted to get the results of the tournament up here as soon as I had time. After five incredible days, Captain Joe Rodriguez and Julian Robertson maintained their lead after day 3 for an incredible win with five weight fish and seven…

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Fishing Last Week with John and Dave Dalu

June 15, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing Last Week with John and Dave Dalu

Last Thursday and Friday I fished with John O’Hearn. On the second day we were joined by Dave Dalu, with whom I haven’t fished in a long time. It was great to fish with John. It was also great to get on the water with Dave for a fun day of fishing before the Gold…

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Fishing with Ian, Fishing with Simon and Kat

June 8, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian, Fishing with Simon and Kat

After the Golden Fly, I spent a few days recuperating before heading back out to keep sharp for the Gold Cup. Ian and I had a late afternoon/evening scout session, which was made difficult by the low water and wind. We fished the ocean for a while before heading to a backcountry basin in search…

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Golden Fly Proper Report

June 6, 2016 Comments Off on Golden Fly Proper Report

Through last Wednesday, I fished in the Golden Fly with John O’Hearn. The week prior we fished on Thursday and Friday for some pre-tournament practice. I realize this report is late, but that’s how it is this time of year. Prefish Days: With two days booked and the plan to fish the Sunday before the event…

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Goldenfly Results

May 27, 2016 Comments Off on Goldenfly Results

I have a lot to write about our fishing in the Goldenfly, and there is more than I’ll be able to get up in a day or two. A full report will be forthcoming, but for now I’ll leave the results up here. Captain Scott Collins and Ed Young won the event with a consistent…

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Fishing with Simon and Kat

May 21, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Simon and Kat

Last Sunday and Monday, I fished for two days with Simon Becker. On the second of these two days Kat and I shared the boat. Here’s how it all went down. Day One: Simon and I started at a reasonable 8 AM, hoping to find some tarpon to throw at. If you’ve read these reports…

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Fishing with Ian Yesterday

May 13, 2016 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Yesterday

Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend a few hours on the boat with Ian Slater before his shop shift started at 2. We got on the water early, and first took a look for a permit. Our first look netted us nothing (ha! get it?) and we moved after an hour to look for…

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Current Conditions, Tarpon Season, Yesterday with John Benvenuto

May 10, 2016 Comments Off on Current Conditions, Tarpon Season, Yesterday with John Benvenuto

Currently, the weather is turning around for the better. We’ve had a tough time with the weather this year, and it’s no surprise that that’s meant tough fishing. With the addition of a last minute throwback cold front last week, the weather hasn’t been cooperative. All that said, it looks like things are turning around…

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Last Week with Ian Slater and Simon Becker

May 7, 2016 Comments Off on Last Week with Ian Slater and Simon Becker

Last week I fished a day with Ian Slater to finish up Frankie’s trip down filming, and then followed that with a day with Simon Becker and Kat. With Ian on Sunday: The time we had to fish was cut short by Ian’s shift starting at 2, so we got a early start with hopes…

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