Fishing Reports V1

The fishing reports page has been a favorite for a while now, and we try to keep it updated regularly. For the most part, it’s a blog of Nathaniel Linville and the fishing he does with guides that he’s lucky enough to fish with though occasionally we’ll post a guest report from one of our friends on a trip they took. Good days, bad days, success and failure, they’re all here. Photos accompany the report when they’re available, but if you want straight photos the best place to look is the photo gallery.

Catching up….

August 6, 2017 Comments Off on Catching up….

The longer Del Brown report pushed me back a bit on the timeline, and while I had a few tough days of fishing after the tournament with Ian I’m oddly grateful that I don’t have loads to report from them. Basically, we had two days that were without many shots and certainly without a capture.…

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Del Brown Results + Our Fishing

July 29, 2017 Comments Off on Del Brown Results + Our Fishing

A few weeks ago the Del Brown Tournament happened. It’s the last of the majors for the year, and with the exception of the Superfly in September the last of the tournaments I’ll fish in 2017. As such it’s bittersweet, and I’m already plotting our approach for 2018 in both the permit and the tarpon…

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Current Conditions/Standby for reports coming soon

July 20, 2017 Comments Off on Current Conditions/Standby for reports coming soon

I haven’t updates these pages recently, for a few reasons. After the Del Brown I drove up to Orlando for ICast, which was OK but not fishing. Plus there are a lot of Instagram try hards up there (you know who you are) and I’m always bored by them.  There was some cool new stuff,…

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Fishing Yesterday/Current Conditions

July 6, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday/Current Conditions

Yesterday I fished with Ian Slater, on the last of our three scheduled days to get in to permit shape after the Gold Cup. I touched on this in the Gold Cup report posted yesterday, though it’s worth repeating: the permit fishing has been tough for us, and yesterday was no exception. The weather has…

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Gold Cup Results + Our Fishing

July 4, 2017 Comments Off on Gold Cup Results + Our Fishing

Last week the Gold Cup happened, and it was a dynamic five days of tough fishing. Captain Dustin Huff and Thane Morgan bested the competition with three weight fish, and second place was closely secured by last year’s champions Joe Rodriguez and Julian Robertson. Third was taken by Captain Doug Kilpatrick and Steve Ward, and…

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Two Days with John O’Hearn

June 12, 2017 Comments Off on Two Days with John O’Hearn

After the pair of days with Ian, I went out with John for a pair last week. After the Golden Fly we had taken a little time off, and were ready to get back at it before we start in earnest for the Gold Cup. Instead of going hard in tournament prep mode we opted…

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Getting current/Hawley Results

June 10, 2017 Comments Off on Getting current/Hawley Results

I’ve been a bad blogger recently, and have a fair amount to make up on these pages. Between the shop being busier than usual and the upcoming Gold Cup, I’m stretched as thin as usual in June. That said I haven’t been stretched too thin to get out on the water, and in addition to…

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Goldenfly 2017 Results + our fishing

May 29, 2017 Comments Off on Goldenfly 2017 Results + our fishing

The Golden Fly came to an end this past Wednesday, and it turned out to be a challenging few days for us. The fishing was at times good but never easy, and I’d like to congratulate Julian Robertson and Rich Campiola for their first place finish. Herewith, the details of our fishing: Day One (prefish…

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Two days with John O’Hearn

May 20, 2017 Comments Off on Two days with John O’Hearn

In the beginning of the week, I fished with John O’Hearn for two days. Weather has since moved in, and while it looks like things are going to turn around in time for the Golden Fly this Monday the wind at the moment is howling its way into all of our faces. Monday was a…

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Fishing with Kat and Simon Becker/Ian Slater and Jake Brownscombe the “Science Man”

May 14, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Kat and Simon Becker/Ian Slater and Jake Brownscombe the “Science Man”

Last Saturday I fished with Kat and Simon Becker. Another (sigh) cold front had rolled through the day before, and while the fishing wasn’t completely shut down the fish were clearly going to be unhappy with the recent turn for the worse. We started early under some heavy cloud cover and heavy wind, and Simon…

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Monday with Ian Slater

May 5, 2017 Comments Off on Monday with Ian Slater

On Monday I fished with Ian Slater. With the Goldenfly now rapidly approaching and tournament preparations put on hold during the tough early season weather, the pressure was on to make something happen on a day that was (finally) nice. We got an early start, and while we were in a reasonable location for some…

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Fishing Yesterday/Last Week with John/Improving Conditions

April 28, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing Yesterday/Last Week with John/Improving Conditions

The awful early season weather we had has finally passed, and it seems that things are heating up in serious ways. I last left the reports off last week, which leaves me writing this report in the beautiful weather (and after a great day of fishing yesterday) about heading out with John O’Hearn into the…

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Getting Current, last week with Ian and Simon

April 21, 2017 Comments Off on Getting Current, last week with Ian and Simon

With this report I hope to be current on the fishing I’ve been up to. If you have been keeping up with the weather and fishing reports from the Keys, it’s no surprise that the fishing has been hard. The weather that rolled through in the Merkin has stayed, preventing anything from getting right. What…

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Last week in two parts, yesterday with Ray Fetcher

April 11, 2017 Comments Off on Last week in two parts, yesterday with Ray Fetcher

Last week I was able to get out on the water two days. Both were invitations to fish with friends of mine–on Monday I joined Howard Davis fishing with Ian Slater, and yesterday I joined John Kelleher fishing with John O’Hearn. I’ll start with the earlier of the days, with Howard and Ian. I was excited…

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Fishing with Aaron and Vicky

March 31, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Aaron and Vicky

On Tuesday I fished with Vicky (my mother), and Aaron Snell. My parents have been in town since Friday last, and are fishing with Aaron this week. I had the day off and was invited to join them, and I was glad for the chance to get out during a time I had no fishing…

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Fishing with Ian Slater and Carson

March 26, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Ian Slater and Carson

On Monday of last week, after the Everglades sadness and the Merkin euphoria wore off, I went fishing for a day with Ian and Carson Alexander. Carson and I split the day with Ian, and it was an opportunity for me to have some fun with friends and just go fishing without a tournament or…

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Fishing with Steve and Chad

March 23, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with Steve and Chad

In the late part of last week (before the Merkin, though I have already uploaded that report) I traveled to the Everglades to fish with Steve and Chad for the six. We had pushed the trip back two days due to weather, so while the wind had howled heavy on Monday it was a low…

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March Merkin 2017, our fishing + results

March 19, 2017 Comments Off on March Merkin 2017, our fishing + results

The March Merkin ended three days ago, and while I haven’t yet completed the report from the Everglades I’m making an effort to write things down while they’re fresh in my head so this one will have to come first. The forecast was scheduled to be a complete shutdown, a wicked cold front rolling in the…

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Earlier in the week with Ian Slater, joined by Blane Woodfin

March 6, 2017 Comments Off on Earlier in the week with Ian Slater, joined by Blane Woodfin

Before the front we’re currently experiencing I took a few days to fish with Ian Slater earlier in the week. On Monday we were joined by Blane Woodfin, a friend of mine through the shop. We were again strictly focused on permit, and as these two would be the last two days I had to…

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Fishing with John and Chad

February 25, 2017 Comments Off on Fishing with John and Chad

Earlier in the week I fished with John O’Hearn and we were joined by Chad “Chadillac 305” Huff. Chad’s been honing his permit blade ever since getting his first (and second, in a wade-off win) with John and me in August, and we were hoping that this trip was going to be a chance at…

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